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Site Index
Note: See the Acronyms page for an explanation of the acronyms used here.
# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- ABE (Adult Basic Education)
- ABEA (Adult Basic Education Authorization)
- Abstinence Education (Title V)
- Academic Libraries
- Academic Standards
- Accelerating Students through Concurrent Enrollment (ASCENT)
- ACCESS for ELLs Assessment
- Access Placement Test (W-APT) English Language Screener
- ACCESS/CELA (Colorado English Language Assessment) for ELLs
- Accessibility Statement
- Accommodations, Instructional (for a student with a disability)
- Accountability:
- Accountability, Performance and Support Division
- Alternative Education Campus (AEC)
- Colorado Growth Model
- District and School Performance Frameworks (DPF/SPF)
- Education Accountability Act of 2009 (SB 163)
- Fact Sheets and FAQs
- Federal Accountability
- No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Waiver
- Results Driven Accountability
- SchoolView
- State Accountability
- Support for Schools and Districts
- Turnaround Network
- Turnaround and Priority Improvement
- Unified Improvement Planning (UIP)
- Accreditation
- Accreditation (Teaching License)
- Achievement Results
- Acronyms
- ACSN (Advisory Council for School Nutrition)
- ACT (American College Test)
- Action Plans
- ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Compliance
- Adapted Physical Education (APE)
- Adult Basic Education (ABE)
- Adult Basic Education Authorization (ABEA)
- Adult Education Initiatives
- Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA)
- Adult Education and Literacy Act (AELA)
- Advanced Placement (AP)
- Advanced Placement (AP) Data
- Advisory Council for School Nutrition (ACSN)
- AEC (Alternate Education Campus)
- AEFLA (Adult Education and Family Literacy Act)
- AELA (Adult Education and Literacy Act)
- Affective Needs Conference
- Afterschool Care Snack Program (ACSP)
- Allocation
- Alternate Education Campus (AEC)
- Alternative Licensing
- American College Test (ACT)
- AP (Advanced Placement) Data
- APE (Adapted Physical Education)
- Application Status (for Educator / Teacher License)
- Art
- ASCENT (Accelerating Students through Concurrent Enrollment)
- ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders)
- ASP (Afterschool Snack Program)
- Assessment:
- Accommodations
- Assessment Literacy
- Assessment Resource Bank
- Assessment Unit
- CoAlt - Alternate English Language Arts and Mathematics
- CoAlt - Alternate Science and Social Studies
- Colorado PSAT
- Colorado SAT
- Colorado English Language Assessment for ELLs (CELA/ACCESS)
- CMAS - Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies
- District Assessment Coordinators (DAC)
- District Technology Coordinators (DTC)
- Early Childhood
- English Language Arts and Mathematics (PARCC)
- English Language Proficiency Assessments
- Fact Sheets and FAQs
- Interim Assessment
- National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
- School Readiness Assessment
- Science and Social Studies
- Statewide Facility Assessment
- Superintendent and Principal Tools
- Technology Readiness
- Testing Windows
- World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA)
- Assurances
- At-Risk Count
- Attendance Data
- Audiology Services (Educational)
- Audit Team (School Auditing Office) - formerly Field Analyst Support Team (FAST)
- Authorization (Educator License / Teaching License)
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Autonomy
- Awards
- BABNP (Breakfast After the Bell Nutrition Program)
- Background Checks
- Behavior
- BEST (Building Excellent Schools Today)
- Best Practices Guide (Dropout Prevention)
- Blended Learning
- Blended and Online Learning Office
- Blindness
- Blindness and Visual Impairment
- Blind and Print Disabled
- Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES)
- Board Member and Superintendent Resources
- BOCES (Board of Cooperative Educational Services)
- Calendar
- CAP4K (Colorado's Achievement Plan for Kids) (SB-212)
- Capacity Building
- Capital Construction
- Capital Construction Assistance Board (CCAB)
- Capital Construction Office
- Careers at CDE
- Catalog for State Publications
- CCAB (Capital Construction Assistance Board)
- CCHS (Colorado Coalition for Healthy Schools)
- CDE 40 (Transportation)- Online System
- CDE Calendar
- CDE Identity Management (IdM) / Single Sign-On Applications
- CDE Jobs
- CDE Moodle Site
- CDE Parking
- CDE Single Sign-On / Identity Management (IdM)
- CDE Staff Directory
- CDE Strategic Plan
- CDE Update
- CE (Concurrent Enrollment)
- CEDAR (Colorado Education Data Analysis and Reporting System) - Online System
- CEI (Colorado Education Initiative)
- CELA/ACCESS (Colorado English Language Assessment) for ELLs
- CEP (Community Eligibility Program)
- Certification
- Charter Authorizer
- Charter School Appeals
- Charter School Capital Construction (CSCC)
- Charter School Institute (CSI)
- Charter Schools
- Child Find
- Child Nutrition Programs (CNP)
- Child Welfare Education Liaison (CWEL)
- CHNC (Colorado Historic Newspaper Collection)
- Choice and Innovation Unit
- Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)
- CLF (Colorado Legacy Foundation)
- CLSD (Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant)
- CMAS (Colorado Measures of Academic Success)
- CNP (Child Nutrition Programs)
- CoACT (Colorado ACT)
- CoAlt/CSAPA (Colorado Alternate Assessment/Colorado Student Assessment Program Alternate)
- Collection of State Publications
- Colorado Academic Standards
- Colorado ACT (CoACT)
- Colorado Alternate Assessment (CoAlt)/Colorado Student Assessment Program Alternate (CSAPA)
- Colorado Coalition for Healthy Schools (CCHS)
- Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC)
- Colorado Education Data Analysis and Reporting System (CEDAR) - Online System
- Colorado Education Highlights
- Colorado Education Initiative (CEI)
- Colorado English Language Proficiency
- Colorado Growth Model
- Colorado Historic Newspaper Collection (CHNC)
- Colorado K-12 Financial Transparency Website
- Colorado Legacy Foundation (CLF)
- Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS)
- Colorado Nutrition Portal
- Colorado Open Records Act (CORA)
- Colorado State Board of Education
- Colorado State Library (CSL)
- Colorado State Model Performance Management System (COPMS or RANDA)
- Colorado State Publications Library (CoSPL)
- Colorado State Standards
- Colorado's Stories of Promising Practices
- Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP)/Temporary Colorado Assessment Program (TCAP)
- Colorado Student Assessment Program Alternate (CSAPA)/Colorado Alternate Assessment (CoAlt)
- Colorado Summative Assessment for Science and Social Studies
- Colorado Talking Book Library (CTBL)
- Colorado Teacher of the Year
- Colorado Teaching License
- Colorado Virtual Library (CVL)
- Colorado's Achievement Plan for Kids (CAP4K) (SB-212)
- Commissioner of Education
- Commissioner's Communications
- Common Core State Standards
- Communications:
- CDE Update
- Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) Requests)
- Colorado's Stories of Promising Practices
- Commissioner's Communications
- Communications Division
- Communications Tools
- Education Highlights
- Educator Talent News
- Fact Sheets and FAQs
- Legislative Relations
- News Links
- News Releases
- Standards and Instructional Support e-Newsletter
- Superintendent and Principal Tools
- The Scoop
- The Spark Teacher e-Newsletter
- Community Eligibility Program (CEP)
- Community Member Resources
- Community Partnerships Office
- Competitive Grants
- Competitive Grants and Awards Office
- Comprehensive Health
- Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant (CLSD)
- Concurrent Enrollment (CE)
- Continuing Education (Libraries)
- Consolidated Federal Programs Application
- Content Areas
- Continuous Improvement
- COPMS (Colorado State Model Performance Management System or RANDA)
- Copy of GED
- Copy of Teaching License
- CORA Requests (Colorado Open Records Act)
- CoSPL (Colorado State Publications Library)
- Counseling and Training (Parent)
- Counselor License
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus):
- CDE COVID-19 Policy Guidance
- COVID-19 Resources for Schools
- Emergency Feeding (Nutrition)
- Federal COVID Education Funding:
- Connecting Colorado Students Grant (CCSG)
- Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF)
- Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS)
- ESSER I (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) - CARES Act
- ESSER II (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) - Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act / CRRSA
- ESSER III (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) - American Rescue Plan / ARP
- ESSER Public Data Reports (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief)
- Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER)
- IDEA Fund (American Rescue Plan / ARP)
- Safe Schools Reopening Grant (SSRG)
- CRDC (Civil Rights Data Collection)
- Credentials (Educator License / Teaching License)
- CSAP/TCAP (Colorado Student Assessment Program/Transitional Colorado Assessment Program)
- CSAPA/CoAlt (Colorado Student Assessment Program Alternate/Colorado Alternate Assessment)
- CSI (Charter School Institute)
- CSL (Colorado State Library)
- CTBL (Colorado Talking Book Library)
- Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education Office
- Curriculum
- CVL (Colorado Virtual Library)
- CWEL (Child Welfare Education Liaison)
- DAC (District Assessment Coordinators)
- Dance
- Data and Accountability
- Data Center
- Data Dictionary
- Data Collections
- Data Governance
- Data Lab
- Data Pipeline
- Data Pipeline - Online System
- Data Privacy and Security
- Data, Program Evaluation and Reporting (DPER)
- Data Reports (Special Education)
- Data Services Unit
- Deaf-Blindness / Deaf-Blind
- Deaf / Hard of Hearing
- Deafness
- Department of Corrections (DOC)
- Depository Libraries
- Depth of Knowledge (DOK) (Educator Effectiveness)
- Depth of Knowledge (DOK) (Resource Bank)
- Developmental Delay
- Differentiation
- Digital Audio Books
- Digital Learning
- Digital Resources for Libraries
- Direct Certification (School Nutrition)
- Directors in Colorado (Special Education)
- Directors' Corner (Special Education)
- Directory:
- Disabilities (Specific)
- Disaster Resources
- DISH (District and School Dashboard)
- Dispute Resolution (Special Education)
- Distance Learning
- District and BOCES Websites
- District and School Performance Unit
- District and School Support
- District and School Dashboard (DISH)
- District Dashboard
- District to District Student Transfers and Transitions
- District Improvement
- District Mailing Labels
- District Maps
- District and School Performance Frameworks (DPF/SPF)
- District/School Staff Data
- District Staff Resources
- Division of Youth Services (DYS)
- DLM (Dynamic Learning Maps Consortia)
- DOC (Department of Corrections)
- DOK (Depth of Knowledge) (Educator Effectiveness)
- DOK (Depth of Knowledge) (Resource Bank)
- DPER (Data, Program Evaluation and Reporting)
- DPF (District Performance Frameworks)
- Drama and Theater
- Dropout Data / Rates
- Dropout Prevention and Student Re-engagement
- Dropout Prevention Best Practices Guide
- Dual Enrollment
- Due Process (Special Education)
- DYS (Division of Youth Services)
- Dynamic Learning Maps Consortia (DLM)
- Early Childhood, Colorado Department of (CDEC)
- Early Childhood Assessment
- Early Childhood Workforce Development (ECWD)
- Early Childhood Special Education
- Early College High School
- Early Learning - now Preschool Through 3rd Grade Office
- Early Learning Challenge Fund (Race to the Top)
- Early Literacy (Library Youth Services)
- Early Literacy (Office of Literacy)
- Early Literacy (Standards and Instruction)
- EARSS (Expelled and At-Risk Student Services)
- ECEA (Exceptional Children’s Educational Act)
- ECEA Eligibility Categories Training
- ECWD (Early Childhood Workforce Development)
- EDAC (Educational Data Advisory Committee)
- Ed Flex
- EDIS (Educator Identification System) Web System
- EDIS (Educator Identification System) Year-Round Collection
- Education Accountability Act of 2009 (SB-163)
- Education Directory
- Education Flexibility
- Education Highlights
- Education Reform
- Education Regions
- Educational Data Advisory Committee (EDAC)
- Educator Effectiveness:
- Colorado Performance Management System (COPMS or RANDA)
- Educator Effectiveness Bill (SB-191)
- Educator Effectiveness Unit
- E-Newsletters
- Fact Sheets and FAQs
- Inter-rater Agreement (Elevate Colorado)
- News
- State Model Evaluation System
- State Council for Educator Effectiveness (SCEE)
- Superintendent and Principal Tools
- Educator Identification System (EDIS) - Online System
- Educator Resources
- EDIS (Educator Identification System) Year-Round Collection
- Educator Incidents
- Educator Licensing
- Educator Talent:
- EEO (Extended Evidence Outcomes)
- Effective Educators
- e-Grants
- ELA (English Language Acquisition) Coordinators
- Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Programs Office
- Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Waiver
- ELL (English Language Learner)
- ELO (Expanded Learning Opportunities)
- Emergency Feeding
- Endorsed Diploma
- Endorsements
- Enforcement
- English as a Second Language (ESL) (Adult Education)
- English as a Second Language (ESL) (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education)
- English Language Assessments
- English Language Acquisition (ELA) Coordinators
- English Language Development
- English Language Learners (ELL)
- English Language Proficiency
- Enrollment
- EQIT (Expanding Quality in Infant Toddler Care Initiative)
- Equity Resources for Districts and BOCES
- E-rate
- ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) Programs Office
- ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) Waiver
- ESL (English as a Second Language) (Adult Education)
- ESL (English as a Second Language) (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education)
- ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act)
- ESSU Data Management System - Online System
- Evaluation Analysis
- Evaluation Methods
- Evaluation Strategies
- Event Calendar
- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
- Exceptional Children’s Educational Act (ECEA)
- Exceptional Student Services
- Exceptional Student Services Unit
- Exceptional Students
- Expanded Benchmarks (now Extended Evidence Outcomes)
- Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO)
- Expanded Learning Opportunities Office
- Expanding Quality in Infant Toddler Care Initiative (EQIT)
- Expanding Transportation Awareness
- Expelled and At-Risk Student Services (EARSS)
- Expulsion
- Expulsion/Suspension Data
- Extended Evidence Outcomes (EEO)
- EZREPORTS / EZ REPORTS for 21st Century Community Learning Centers - Online System
- Facility Schools
- Facility Schools Office
- Facility Schools Student Data System (FSSDS) - Online System
- Family and Parent Resources
- Family and Student Resources
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Family Engagements
- Family Information and Resources (Special Education)
- Family, School, and Community Partnering (FSCP)
- FAQs at CDE
- Farm to School
- FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders)
- FDK Facility Capital Construction (Full-Day Kindergarten)
- Federal Grants
- Federal Programs
- Federal Programs Consolidated Application
- Federal Programs Unit
- Federal Reporting Requirements
- FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
- FFVP (Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program)
- Field Service Managers
- Field Services Office
- Finance:
- Fingerprints
- First Class Building
- Fiscal Notes
- Flood Resources
- Focus Schools (Title I-A)
- Foster Care Education
- Fraud Reporting
- Free and Reduced Lunch Count
- Free and Reduced Price Eligibility
- Free and Reduced Price School Meal Eligibility
- Frequently Asked Questions at CDE
- Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP)
- FSCP (Family, School, and Community Partnering)
- FSSDS (Facility Schools Student Data System) - Online System
- Full-Day Kindergarten Facility Capital Construction (FDK)
- Full-Day Kindergarten Information
- Health and Wellness Office
- Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA)
- Healthy Schools Office
- Hearing Impairment, Including Deafness
- HESTL (Highly Effective Schools through Libraries)
- HHFKA (Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act)
- Highly Effective Schools through Libraries (HESTL)
- Highly Mobile Population
- Highly Qualified Teachers and Principals (Educator Talent Development Office)
- Highly Qualified Teachers and Principals (Title II-A)
- High Performance Building
- ICAP (Individual Career and Academic Plan)
- ICAP Promising Practices (now PWR Practices, Tools and Resources)
- IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)
- IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) Budget and Expenditures System - Online System
- IDEA Part B
- IDEA Part C
- Identity Management (IdM) / Single Sign-On Applications
- Identity Management (Students)
- IdM (Identity Management) / Single Sign-On Applications
- IELCE (Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education)
- IEP (Individualized Education Program)
- IEP Forms
- Improvement Planning
- Improvement Planning Unit
- Incentives
- Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP)
- Individualized Education Program (IEP)
- Individualized Education Program (IEP) Forms
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Budget and Expenditures System - Online System
- Infant/Toddler with a Disability
- Innovation Schools
- Innovation Zone
- Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE)
- Institutional Libraries
- Instruction
- Instructional Accommodations (for a student with a disability)
- Instructional Expertise
- Instructional Standards (for a student with a disability)
- Integrated Timelines (Superintendents/School Leaders)
- Integration
- Intellectual Disability
- Interim Assessments
- International Baccalaureate (IB)
- Interpreter Services (Educational)
- Investigations
- LACES Data Dictionary - Online System
- Language, Culture and Equity
- Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient Populations
- Large Print
- Learning Disability
- Learning Supports
- Legislation
- Legislative Relations
- Library Statistics
- Licensing:
- Applications and Checklists
- Application Status
- Content Evaluation Worksheet
- Content Tests (PLACE and Praxis II)
- Copy of Teaching License
- Endorsements
- FAQs
- Fingerprint Requirements
- Online System (eLicensing)
- Teaching Jobs in Colorado
- Professional Services and Licensing Unit
- Self-Disclosure Requirements and Processes
- Teach Colorado
- Teaching License
- Limited English Proficient Populations
- Literacy Office
- Literacy and Youth Services
- Long Bill
- Low Vision
- LRS (Library Research Service)
- LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) Grants
- Library:
- 21st Century Learner
- Colorado Virtual Library (CVL)
- Continuing Education
- Data
- Grant Opportunities
- Highly Effective Schools through Libraries (HESTL)
- Institutional Libraries
- Library Development Office
- Library Directory
- Library Jobline
- Library Law
- Library Research Service (LRS)
- Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA)
- Library Statistics
- Literacy and Youth Services
- Networking and Resource Sharing Office
- Public Libraries
- School Libraries and Librarians
- State Grants to Libraries
- State Library
- State Publications Library
- Statewide Summer Reading Program
- Library Statistics
- Talking Book Library
- Mailing Labels for Districts, Public Schools, and Non-Public Schools
- Maps:
- Marijuana Tax Revenue for Education
- Math
- Mathematics
- Mathematics and Science Partnerships
- McKinney-Vento Homeless Education
- MDOL (Multi District Online Learning)
- Media Inquiries
- Mediation (Special Education)
- Medicaid
- Mental Health
- Mental Health Institutions
- Migrant Education Program
- Mobile Population
- Mobility/Stability Data
- Model Evaluation System
- Moodle Learning Management System (CDE LMS)
- MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports)
- Multi-District Online Learning (MDOL)
- Multi District Online Schools
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
- Multiple Disabilities
- Music
- NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress)
- Name Change Request (Educator Licensing)
- National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
- National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
- NCES (National Center for Education Statistics)
- NCLB (No Child Left Behind)
- NCLB (No Child Left Behind) Waiver
- Neglected and Delinquent
- Networking and Resource Sharing Office
- News Releases
- No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
- Non-Public School Mailing Labels
- NSLP (National School Lunch Program)
- Nursing Homes
- Nutrition:
- Advisory Council for School Nutrition (ACSN)
- Administrative Reviews
- Afterschool Snack Program (ASP)
- Breakfast After the Bell Nutrition Program (BABNP)
- Calendar of School Nutrition Events
- Colorado Nutrition Portal
- Emergency Feeding
- Free and Reduced Price Eligibility
- Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP)
- National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
- Provisional Programs
- School Breakfast Program (SBP)
- School Meal Eligibility
- School Nutrition Unit
- Site Index for School Nutrition
- Special Milk Program (SMP)
- Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)
- The Dish: Updates from the School Nutrition Unit
- Training
- P-3 Education
- PARCC Consortia
- Parent Counseling and Training
- Parent Grievance Process
- Parent Involvement
- Parent and Family Resources
- Parents Encouraging Parents (PEP)
- Parking Near CDE
- Part B (IDEA)
- Part C (IDEA)
- Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools (P-TECH)
- PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports)
- P.E.
- PEP (Parents Encouraging Parents)
- Performance Frameworks
- Performance Management Office
- Personal Financial Literacy
- Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
- Personnel Management
- Physical Disability
- Physical Education
- Physical Therapy (PT)
- PII (Personally Identifiable Information)
- Planning the 2020-21 School Year: A Framework and Toolkit for School and District Leaders
- Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
- Positive School Climate and Culture
- Postsecondary Education Resources
- Postsecondary Enrollment Data
- Postsecondary Readiness
- Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) Practices, Tools and Resources
- Preschool Early Intervention
- Preschool Special Education Resources
- Preschool Standards Resources
- Preschool Through Third Grade Office (P-3)
- Principal License
- Prioritized Performance Challenges
- Priority Improvement-Performance Rating
- Professional Development Opportunities
- Professional Services and Licensing Unit
- Promising Partnership Practices (School, Family and Community Partnership)
- Promising Practices (Colorado's Stories of )
- Provisional Programs
- PT (Physical Therapy)
- P-TECH (Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools in Colorado)
- Public Libraries
- Public School Capital Construction Division
- Public School Finance (School Finance Unit)
- Public School Mailing Labels
- Pupil Count
- Pupil Membership Statistics
- Purchasing
- PWR Practices
- PWR Practices, Tools and Resources
- Race to the Top (Early Learning Challenge Fund)
- Race to the Top (RTTT)
- RANDA (Colorado State Model Performance Management System or COPMS)
- RANDA (Colorado State Model Performance Management System or COPMS) - Online System
- READ Act (Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act)
- Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (READ Act)
- Reading, Writing, and Communicating
- Read With Me public information campaign (
- Recidivism and Re-Entry
- Record Integration Tracking System (RITS) - Online System
- Record Integration Tracking System (RITS) Year-Round Collection
- Records Request Form (student)
- Recovery Act (ARRA)
- Re-Entry and Recidivism
- Reference Questions
- Regional Services
- Related Services (Special Education)
- Relevant Information to Strengthen Education (RISE)
- Renewal (of Educator/Teacher License or Substitute License)
- Requirements for Educator/Teacher License
- Requirements for Graduation
- Research and Data Requests
- Resource Bank (Assessment)
- Resources (Deaf-Blindness)
- Resources for Community Members
- Resources for Districts
- Resources for Educators
- Resources for Families and Students
- Resources (Hearing Impairment)
- Resources (Postsecondary Education)
- Resources (School Nutrition)
- Resources (School to Work)
- Resources (Transition)
- Resources (Visual Impairment)
- Response to Intervention (RtI)
- Results Driven Accountability
- Results Matter
- RISE (Relevant Information to Strengthen Education)
- RITS (Record Integration Tracking System) - Online System
- RITS (Record Integration Tracking System) Year-Round Collection
- Root Cause Analysis
- RtI (Response to Intervention)
- RTTT (Race to the Top)
- Rulemaking Hearings
- SACPIE (State Advisory Council for Parent Involvement in Education)
- Safety and Discipline Indicators
- Safety (Transportation)
- SASID (State Assigned Student Identifier Numbers)
- SB-163 (Education Accountability Act of 2009)
- SB-191 (Educator Effectiveness Bill)
- SB-212 (CAP4K) (Colorado's Achievement Plan for Kids)
- SBE (State Board of Education)
- SBOE (State Board of Education)
- SBP (School Breakfast Program)
- School and District Performance Frameworks (SPF/DPF)
- School Auditing Office - formerly Field Analyst Support Team (FAST)
- School Breakfast Program (SBP)
- School Bus Standards
- School Bus Transportation Regulations
- School Choice
- School Code Change Request Forms
- School Counselors
- School and District Dashboard (DISH)
- School Dashboard
- School District Buildings and Personnel
- School District Maps
- School/District Staff Data
- School Finance Unit
- School Improvement
- School Libraries and Librarians
- School Nursing and Healthy
- School Nutrition Administrative Reviews
- School Nutrition Training
- School Nutrition Unit
- School Performance Frameworks (SPF)
- School Psychology Services
- School Readiness Assessment
- School Reform
- School Resource Officers
- School Social Work (SSW) Services
- School to Work Resources
- Schools of Choice Office
- SchoolView - School and District Data
- Science
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
- Scoop
- Secondary Initiatives
- SEES (Student Engagement Evaluation System) - Online System
- Section 504
- Serious Emotional Disability
- Service and Support to Districts
- SFSP (Summer Food Service Program)
- Single District Online School
- Single Sign-On / Identity Management (IdM)
- SLD (Specific Learning Disabilities)
- SMART (Students Migrating Academically on the Right Track) - Online System
- SMP (Special Milk Program)
- Social Studies
- Spark, the (Teacher e-Newsletter)
- SPDG (State Personnel Development Grant)
- Special Education:
- Accommodations, Instructional (for a student with a disability)
- Adapted Physical Education (APE)
- Audiology Services (Educational)
- Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
- Behavior
- Data Reports
- Deaf-Blindness / Deaf-Blind
- Deaf-Blindness Resources
- Deaf / Hard of Hearing (DHH)
- Determinations / Performance Indicators
- Developmental Delay
- Directors’ Corner
- Disabilities (Specific)
- Dispute Resolution
- Due Process
- Early Childhood Special Education
- ECEA (Exceptional Children’s Educational Act)
- ECEA Eligibility Categories Training
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
- Finance and Operations
- Guidance Documents
- Hearing Impairment, Including Deafness
- Hearing Impairment Resources
- IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)
- IEP (Individualized Education Program)
- IEP Forms
- Infant/Toddler with a Disability
- Intellectual Disability
- Interpreter Services (Educational)
- Mediation
- Multiple Disabilities
- Occupational Therapy (OT)
- Orientation and Mobility
- Orthopedic Impairment
- Other Health Impaired
- Parent Counseling and Training
- Parents / Families of a Child with a Disability
- Physical Therapy (PT)
- Preschool Early Intervention
- Related Services
- Results Driven Accountability
- School Psychology Services
- School Social Work (SSW) Services
- School to Work Resources
- Secondary Transition
- Section 504
- Serious Emotional Disability
- Significant Support Needs (SSN)
- Special Education Directors in Colorado
- Special Education and Universal Preschool (UPK) in Colorado
- Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD)
- Speech or Language Impairment
- SSN (Significant Support Needs)
- Standards, Instructional (for a student with a disability)
- State Complaints
- Technical Assistance (Special Education)
- Transition Resources
- Transition (Secondary)
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- Visual Impairment Including Blindness
- Visual Impairment Resources
- Special Libraries
- Special Milk Program (SMP)
- Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD)
- Speech or Language Impairment
- SPF (School Performance Frameworks)
- SPL (State Publications Library)
- SRG (Student Re-engagement Grant)
- SSW (School Social Work) Services
- Stability/Mobility Data
- Staff Directory (CDE)
- Standards:
- 21st Century Learner
- Colorado Academic Standards
- Colorado Academic Standards Review and Revision
- Colorado Arts (Dance, Drama and Theatre Arts, Music, Visual Arts)
- Common Core
- Comprehensive Health
- Curriculum Overview Samples
- District Sample Curriculum Project
- Fact Sheets and FAQs
- Guides to the Colorado Academic Standards
- Implementation Support
- Standards and Instructional Support Office
- Instructional Unit Samples
- Mathematics
- Physical Education
- Preschool
- Reading, Writing, and Communicating
- Science
- Social Studies
- Students with Disabilities
- Superintendent and Principal Tools
- World Languages
- Standards and Instructional Support e-Newsletter
- Standards (State Academic)
- Start-Up Charter School
- State Advisory Council for Parent Involvement in Education (SACPIE)
- State Assigned Student Identifier Numbers (SASID)
- State Board of Education
- State Complaints (Special Education)
- State Grants to Libraries
- State Library Unit
- State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG)
- State Publications Library (SPL)
- State Standards
- Statewide Facility Assessment
- Statewide Standard Course Codes System (SSCC) - Online System
- Statewide Summer Reading Program
- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
- Stories of Promising Practices
- Student Assessment
- Student Engagement
- Student Engagement Evaluation System (SEES) - Online System
- Student English (English Language Development)
- Student English (Standards and Instruction)
- Student Health Services Office
- Student Identity Management
- Student October Count
- Student October Count Statistics, Data Elements and Definitions
- Student Records Request Form
- Student Re-engagement Grant (SRG)
- Student Safety (Transportation)
- Student Transfers and Transitions (District to District)
- Students Migrating Academically on the Right Track (SMART) - Online System
- Subject Areas
- Substance Abuse Prevention (marijuana)
- Substitute Teaching Endorsement
- Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)
- Summer Reading
- Superintendent and Board Member Resources
- Supplemental Online Programs
- Support and Service to Districts (Standards)
- Support for Schools and Districts
- Suspension/Expulsion Data
- TAC (Transportation Advisory Council)
- Talking Book Library
- TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)
- TCAP/CSAP (Transitional Colorado Assessment Program/Colorado Student Assessment Program)
- Teacher Licensing
- Teacher of the Year
- Teacher Preparation
- Teacher-Student Data Link (TSDL)
- Teach Colorado
- Teaching Jobs in Colorado
- Teaching and Learning Conditions Colorado (TLCC) (formerly TELL Colorado)
- Teaching and Learning Unit
- Teaching Jobs
- Teaching License
- Teaching Strategies GOLD (TS GOLD)
- Technical Assistance (Special Education)
- Technology Standards (Charter Schools)
- Technology Standards (Public Libraries)
- Transitional Colorado Assessment Program (TCAP)/Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP)
- The Arts
- The Dish: Updates from the School Nutrition Unit
- The Scoop
- The Spark Teacher e-Newsletter
- Theater and Drama
- Title I-C Policy and Clarification
- Title III Policy and Clarification
- Title V Abstinence Education
- TLCC (Teaching and Learning Conditions Colorado)
- Transition Resources
- Transition Services
- Transition and Transfer of Students, District to District
- Transportation
- Transportation Advisory Council (TAC)
- Transportation CDE 40 - Online System
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- Truancy
- Truancy Data
- Trustee Training
- TSDL (Teacher-Student Data Link)
- TS GOLD (Teaching Strategies GOLD)
- Turnaround
- Turnaround Network (Accountability)
- Turnaround/Priority Improvement Office
- Turnaround-Performance Rating
- UIP (Unified Improvement Planning)
- UIP (Unified Improvement Planning) for District, School and CDE Users - Online System
- Unified Improvement Planning (UIP)
- Universal Preschool (UPK) and Special Education in Colorado
- Update (the CDE Update)
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Note: See the Acronyms page for an explanation of the acronyms used here.
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