CDE will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17 for the Presidents Day holiday.
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Education Concerns
Local Control and the Role of CDE
Colorado is a "local control" state. This means that many pre-kindergarten through 12th-grade public education decisions - on issues such as curriculum, personnel, school calendars, graduation requirements, and classroom policy - are made by the school districts and their local school boards.
As a learning organization, CDE actively partners with districts, schools, educators, families, and community agencies to assess needs, foster innovation, identify promising practices, learn from each other, and disseminate successful strategies to increase student achievement and ensure college and career readiness.
CDE and the state board of education are responsible for implementing state and federal education laws, disbursing state and federal funds, holding schools and districts accountable for academic performance, licensing all educators, and providing public transparency of performance and financial data. CDE does not have the authority to intervene in complaints that apply to local control issues.
Educational Concerns
Before bringing any question regarding school policy or a specific decision affecting a student to the attention of the Department, the issue should be pursued by contacting the responsible parties in this order:
School Principal
District Superintendent
Local School Board Members
If a complaint has been escalated through the above chain of command and the response is not satisfactory, the following resources are available to consider:
Civil rights, sexual harassment and Title IX complaints: Start with filing with the individual district. However, a complaint may also be filed with the Office for Civil Rights: How to File a Discrimination Complaint
Educator Licensing and reporting requirements: Educator Concern Report
I Matter free counseling sessions
Prevention of At Risk Behavior (attendance, dropout prevention)
Safe2Tell for reporting anonymous safety concerns
School Boards: Colorado Association of School Boards or your county’s election officials
School Safety Resources (cross departmental)
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