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Physical Therapy Services (PT)

What is Physical Therapy?

Definition: Physical therapists work collaboratively with a student’s IEP team to improve student access and participation in school and community settings. Physical therapists provide professional expertise in the areas of self-help skills, foundational gross motor skills, mobility skills (transfers, walking, and equipment use), posture and positioning, and recreational skills for age-appropriate play. Physical therapy interventions promote skill acquisition and environmental adaptation and are commonly embedded within the context of student activities and routines.


Physical Therapy may be provided as a related service to support a student’s individualized educational program if:

The Student . . .

  • requires regular monitoring and modification of physical strategies or equipment to maintain school accessibility and participation.
  • has neuromuscular, orthopedic, or medical issues limiting their access and/or participation in school routines and environments.
  • has poor functional motor skills limiting their ability to navigate the educational setting and/or participate in developmentally appropriate interactions with peers during recreational activities.
  • has impaired mobility skills limiting their ability to navigate stairs, ramps, uneven terrain, or change positions effectively.
  • has decreased independent living skills limiting their ability to manage personal needs in the cafeteria, bathroom, and locker room.
  • due to a chronic condition, is at risk for developing complications that may limit school access and/or participation.


Physical therapists must successfully complete a physical therapy program that is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency and be licensed by the Colorado State Department of Regulatory Agencies.


Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance: School Physical Therapist (PDF)

FAQ about OT/PT (coming soon!)

Professional Learning

Positioning Strategies to Promote School Participation

Adapted Seating and Standing for Students with Complex Disabilities
with Pamela Cummings, M.Ed., PT

Date: October 18, 2024
Time: 8 am – 11:15 pm MT

Please join us for this virtual seminar where Pam will unveil the transformative potential of the 24-hour postural care (24PC) pathway in positively influencing posture and function throughout the school day. You will learn various assessment tools at the participation, body function and structure levels to identify the postural needs of children with complex disabilities. These tools range from quick, straightforward assessments like the Lifebox and Activity Routine Analysis to more comprehensive evaluations such as the School Function Assessment and Wheelchair Assessment.

Pam will share valuable strategies for the selection of seating, standing, and lying equipment, ensuring sustained postural support throughout the school day and beyond. She will also discuss ideas for implementation and monitoring the use of such equipment. To deepen comprehension, Pam will illustrate the use of the 24PC pathway via a case study. Leave the course with practical strategies, valuable resources, and a systematic approach to improve daytime posture and function through the holistic 24-hour postural care approach.

Audience: OTs, PTs, OTAs, and PTAs

Educational Level: Intermediate

**Registration does not guarantee enrollment in the training or admission. The facilitators of the class will review all registered participants and then, based on cross-participation across the state, will determine who will and will not attend.

This event will not be recorded.

Please be aware that: It is a policy in the Exceptional Student Services Unit (ESSU) that all training registrations must be closed two weeks prior to the event to address all the conference/meeting logistics needs.

**Registration will close on October 4, 2024

**Confirmation of registration will be sent out the week of October 7, 2024


The Colorado Department of Education Physical Therapy listserv supports school-based PTs: 1) by providing information and news regarding the profession; 2) by announcing professional development and training opportunities; and, 3) by posting school-based job openings. There are no advertisements from vendors or contract-based companies. This service is also chat-free.

To subscribe to the PT/PTA listserv:

Once you have been added, you will receive a confirmation email.

Occupational Therapy / Physical Therapy Advisory Council

The Exceptional Student Services consultant for PT along with regional PT representatives who comprise the Physical Therapy Advisory Council, meet throughout the year to inform the Colorado Department of Education on statewide PT professional learning and technical assistance needs and assist in the development of guidance materials to support the profession.

Visit CDE's Occupational Therapy Page 

For more information, please contact:

Gina Herrera
Email Gina Herrera
Phone: (303) 253-0451

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