Monument Ridge Elementary School (1297)
School Profile
About Monument Ridge Elementary School (1297)
Monument Ridge Elementary School
Monument Ridge Elementary School opened in August 2020. Monument Ridge Elementary is located in the City of Fruita, Colorado, near the western end of Mesa County. The school site is situated approximately 18.5 miles east of the Utah border. Monument Ridge is designed to serve 500 students, pre-kindergarten through fifth grade. Monument Ridge Elementary School was constructed to alleviate overcrowding in neighboring elementary schools located in Fruita and Grand Junction. Monument Ridge has a cur…
rent population of 313 students. The current demographic data looks as follows: Race/Ethnicity: Asian1%, Black/African American .006%, Hispanic 9%, Multiple 3% Native American .006%, and White 87% Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible 34% Students who receive Special Education services 15% (We house a centralized program for SSN which accounts for 21% of students with IEPs) Monument Ridge is a Performance level school and has been since it opened. The number of points earned to achieve this rating is increasing each year. Using DIBELS8 and NWEA data, we set rigorous academic goals for all students. We also set goals around student and staff well-being. Monument Ridge has an active parent group who are working with us to help build a robust outdoor education program and increase the number of extracurricular activities offered. Students currently may participate in Student Council, Lego League, Coding, Archery, Snowshoeing, Trout Fishing/Raising, Art Heritage and a Learn to Bike Program for Kindergarteners.
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