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Colorado Department of Education

SchoolView: School and District Data from the Colorado Department of Education

Northridge Elementary School (6404)

Elementary school

Google map of Northridge Elementary School

1200 19TH AVENUE


Total Students Served

Pre-K - Grade 5

School Profile

About Northridge Elementary School (6404)


Northridge Elementary School


Northridge Elementary is a STEM focused, Title 1 school in the St. Vrain Valley School District. Northridge Elementary serves students in preschool through fifth grade and offers a variety of differentiated enrichment opportunities for students both during and outside of the student contact day. We offer a Biliteracy option for students in grades K-3 whose first language is Spanish. Other programming includes: weekly Innovation Lab time co-taught by classroom teachers and our STEM coordinator, I… ntegrated Morning Meetings, Daily In-Focus SEL instruction, i-Ready Instruction, extended learning after school in the Achievement Acceleration Academy, VEX IQ Robotics, STEM Engineering Club, 100 Mile Club, Mindfulness and Movement, Executive Functioning Skills Lessons using Zones of Regulation, and an outdoor classroom. Key partnerships serving to enrich programming and stakeholder involvement include: Colorado University-Boulder, Padres Involucrados en Educacion, Colorado Statewide Latino Parent Coalition and the City of Longmont. Northridge serves a diverse population with a current total enrollment of 300 students in grades preschool-fifth. Our student population consists of 59.5% are English Language Learners, 81.4% qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch and 20.1% are Students with Disabilities. Approximately, 88% of students are Hispanic, 10% White and the remaining 2% are categorized as other races. In April 2022, the school Leadership Team attended a retreat to develop plans for the coming school year. The team used staff feedback to identify systems and processes that needed to continue, and those that needed to be modified. The Leadership Team made recommendations for staffing, including a plan for using Title One FTE for additional interventionists to support students who had fallen behind during remote and hybrid learning. The Leadership Team also developed a Master Schedule that would include ''intervention blocks'' for each grade level in order to ensure equitable access to intervention support for all students. During the retreat, the Leadership Team also developed a school wide integrated morning meeting plan that identified key areas of focus for each month in SEL, PBIS, STEM by Design and ELD Essential Skills. All of this work was presented to the staff during the May Late Start and feedback was gathered and used to make adjustments. In August 2022 certified staff reviewed data from the 2021-2022 school year including demographic data, Spring iReady achievement and growth data and CMAS achievement data. Data was also shared showing a comparison between Northridge and other Title One school in the St. Vrain Valley School District, as well as district and state averages. The staff identified Priority Performance Challenges and Root Causes to be addressed by Major Improvement Strategies. Title One Schoolwide Program: Northridge staff members, our Academic Parent Teacher Leadership Team (School Accountability Committee) and District Leadership will annually use i-Ready, CMAS, ACCESS, other school survey data to determine the effectiveness of our Title One programming. Current Title One programming includes funding additional interventionists to increase student support and provide targeted small group interventions based on progress monitoring data, funding instructional para-educators to support student growth and achievement in reading and mathematics, social/emotional learning and student engagement. Additionally,Title One also funds a full-time family liaison to support family academic engagement, parent education and resource acquisition for our families impacted by poverty, mental health needs, as well as to further support the families of ELL students.



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