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SchoolView: School and District Data from the Colorado Department of Education

Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098)

Middle school

Google map of Lewis-Palmer Middle School



Total Students Served

Grade 7 - Grade 8

Performance Frameworks & Unified Improvement Plan:

Academic Growth

Selected Report Year: 2023
Rating: Performance Plan
Performance Watch Status: Not on Performance Watch
Rating Source: Rating based on 1-Year Performance Report

Selected Report Year: 2022
Rating: Performance Plan: Low Participation
Performance Watch Status: Not on Performance Watch
Rating Source: Rating based on 1-Year Performance Report

Selected Report Year: 2019
Rating: Performance Plan: Low Participation
Performance Watch Status: Not on Performance Watch
Rating Source: Rating based on 1-Year Performance Report

Selected Report Year: 2018
Rating: Performance Plan: Low Participation
Performance Watch Status: Not on Performance Watch
Rating Source: Rating based on 1-Year Performance Report

Selected Report Year: 2017
Rating: Performance Plan: Low Participation
Performance Watch Status: Not on Performance Watch
Rating Source: Rating based on 1-Year Performance Report

Selected Report Year: 2016
Rating: Performance Plan: Low Participation
Performance Watch Status: Not on Performance Watch
Rating Source: Rating based on 1-Year Performance Report

Academic Growth

The performance framework is built around a range of student outcome measures organized beneath three performance indicators: Academic Achievement, Academic Growth, and Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness. For the Academic Growth performance indicator, the framework assigns ratings based on median student growth percentile (MGPs) and Percent On-Track to Proficiency calculations that are generated using the Colorado Growth Model. At the elementary and middle school level, Academic Growth metrics are determined for CMAS English Language Arts and Math, and the English Language Proficiency Assessment. At the high school level, PSAT/SAT Evidence Based Reading & Writing and Math are used for growth determinations.

The displays reflect by grade levels, median growth percentiles by assessment for all students and by sub-groups along with their assigned ratings. The color of the triangle indicates the calculated ratings with each colored bars indicating the range of scores associated with the possible ratings.

2023 Academic Growth - Middle School

CMAS - English Language Arts - Middle School - (2023)

1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2016 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts All Students Meets 530 50.0 6 8
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2016 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts English Learners Approaching 31 42.0 0.5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2016 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts Free/Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible Approaching 45 43.0 0.5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2016 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts Minority Students Approaching 104 38.5 0.5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2016 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts Students with Disabilities Does Not Meet 33 33.0 0.25 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2017 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts All Students Meets 555 50.0 12 16
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2017 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts English Learners Meets 25 64.0 1.5 2
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2017 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts Free/Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible Does Not Meet 52 33.0 0.5 2
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2017 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts Minority Students Meets 94 52.5 1.5 2
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2017 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts Students with Disabilities Approaching 39 45.0 1 2
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2018 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts All Students Approaching 577 40.0 4 8
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2018 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts English Learners Approaching 27 37.0 0.5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2018 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts Free/Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible Approaching 64 37.0 0.5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2018 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts Minority Students Approaching 110 40.0 0.5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2018 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts Students with Disabilities Does Not Meet 57 28.0 0.25 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2019 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts All Students Approaching 676 44.0 4 8
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2019 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts English Learners Meets 24 56.0 0.75 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2019 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts Free/Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible Approaching 69 38.0 0.5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2019 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts Minority Students Approaching 124 48.5 0.5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2019 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts Students with Disabilities Approaching 74 44.5 0.5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2022 1-Year School CMAS - English Language Arts All Students Meets 226 51.5 6 8
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2022 1-Year School CMAS - English Language Arts English Learners Insufficient Data n < 20 0.0 0 0
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2022 1-Year School CMAS - English Language Arts Free/Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible Approaching 23 47.0 .5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2022 1-Year School CMAS - English Language Arts Minority Students Meets 44 54.5 .75 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2022 1-Year School CMAS - English Language Arts Students with Disabilities Insufficient Data n < 20 0.0 0 0
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2023 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts All Students Approaching 548 36.0 4 8
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2023 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts English Learners Insufficient Data n < 20 0.0 0 0
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2023 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts Free/Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible Does Not Meet 41 29.0 0.25 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2023 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts Minority Students Approaching 120 41.5 0.5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2023 1-Year Report School CMAS - English Language Arts Students with Disabilities Approaching 47 39.0 0.5 1
CMAS - Math - Middle School - (2023)

1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2016 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math All Students Approaching 513 49.0 4 8
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2016 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math English Learners Approaching 31 48.0 0.5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2016 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math Free/Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible Approaching 45 47.0 0.5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2016 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math Minority Students Approaching 103 44.0 0.5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2016 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math Students with Disabilities Meets 37 56.0 0.75 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2017 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math All Students Approaching 555 44.0 8 16
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2017 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math English Learners Does Not Meet 25 29.0 0.5 2
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2017 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math Free/Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible Approaching 52 42.0 1 2
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2017 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math Minority Students Approaching 93 43.0 1 2
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2017 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math Students with Disabilities Approaching 39 42.0 1 2
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2018 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math All Students Approaching 526 39.0 4 8
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2018 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math English Learners Meets 28 51.0 0.75 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2018 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math Free/Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible Does Not Meet 65 29.0 0.25 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2018 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math Minority Students Approaching 103 44.0 0.5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2018 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math Students with Disabilities Approaching 56 35.5 0.5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2019 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math All Students Meets 650 56.0 6 8
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2019 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math English Learners Meets 26 63.0 0.75 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2019 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math Free/Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible Meets 70 56.5 0.75 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2019 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math Minority Students Meets 120 58.0 0.75 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2019 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math Students with Disabilities Meets 73 53.0 0.75 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2022 1-Year School CMAS - Math All Students Meets 287 50.0 6 8
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2022 1-Year School CMAS - Math English Learners Insufficient Data n < 20 0.0 0 0
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2022 1-Year School CMAS - Math Free/Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible Approaching 25 48.0 .5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2022 1-Year School CMAS - Math Minority Students Approaching 63 48.0 .5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2022 1-Year School CMAS - Math Students with Disabilities Approaching 31 49.0 .5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2023 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math All Students Approaching 536 48.0 4 8
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2023 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math English Learners Insufficient Data n < 20 0.0 0 0
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2023 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math Free/Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible Approaching 40 48.0 0.5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2023 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math Minority Students Approaching 113 46.0 0.5 1
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2023 1-Year Report School CMAS - Math Students with Disabilities Approaching 42 42.0 0.5 1
English Language Proficiency - Middle School - (2023)

1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2016 1-Year Report School English Language Proficiency ELP Median Growth Percentile Insufficient Data < 20 0.0 0 0
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2017 1-Year Report School English Language Proficiency ELP Median Growth Percentile Insufficient Data < 20 0.0 0 0
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2018 1-Year Report School English Language Proficiency ELP Median Growth Percentile Insufficient Data < 20 0.0 0 0
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2018 1-Year Report School English Language Proficiency Percent On Track to EL Proficiency Insufficient Data < 20 0.0 0 0
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2019 1-Year Report School English Language Proficiency ELP Median Growth Percentile Insufficient Data < 20 0.0 0 0
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2019 1-Year Report School English Language Proficiency Percent On Track to EL Proficiency Insufficient Data < 20 0.0 0 0
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2022 1-Year School English Language Proficiency English Language Proficiency (ELP Growth) Insufficient Data n < 20 0.0 0 0
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2022 1-Year School English Language Proficiency On Track to EL Proficiency (ELP Growth) Insufficient Data n < 20 0.0 0 0
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2023 1-Year Report School English Language Proficiency ELP Median Growth Percentile Insufficient Data n < 20 0.0 0 0
1080 Lewis-Palmer Middle School (5098) Middle School M 2023 1-Year Report School English Language Proficiency Percent On Track to EL Proficiency Insufficient Data n < 20 0.0 0 0

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