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SchoolView: School and District Data from the Colorado Department of Education

Galeton Elementary School (3286)

Elementary school

Google map of Galeton Elementary School



Total Students Served

Half Day Kindergarten - Grade 5

School Profile

About Galeton Elementary School (3286)


Galeton Elementary School


Galeton is a small, rural community located eight miles NE of Greeley, CO. Established in 1910, Galeton School was originally its own school district, but was reorganized into the Weld Re-2 school district with Eaton. The community that feeds the school is primarily dairy and crop farming; however because of its proximity to Greeley, it has its fair share of professionals in non-agricultural careers, as well. The population is small; however the size of its attendance area is large. Its northern… border bumps up against the Pawnee National Grasslands, its eastern border follows WCR 61 and borders Briggsdale, its southern border is just south of Colorado Highway 392 and its western border is WCR 49 and shares this border with Eaton. Although it has had many grade configurations over the years it is currently a K-5 elementary school that has approximately 122 students with one class per grade level. This small population can be a blessing; however the small data sets can be a curse, as well. There are six classroom teachers and specialists that provide instruction in physical education, music, art, counseling and technology. It has approximately 40.7% of its population that participates in the federal free/reduced lunch program. The enrollment by student groups are as follows: 10.6% English Language Learners, 2.7% Gifted and Talented, 10% Special Education, 38.9 Minority, 2.7% Migrant and 61.1% Caucasian. Due to Covid circumstances, Galeton Elementary will use STAR and DIBELS data instead of CMAS data. STAR data for ELA for grades 1-5 showed 58% scored at or above the 50th percentile. Math data for grades 1-5 showed 58% at or above the 50th percentile. In DIBLES grades K-3, the BOY showed 47% Page 3 of 10 intensive intervention, 16% intervention, 17% on grade level, and 20% above grade level. EOY showed 29% intensive intervention (a decrease in 18%), 19% intervention, 21% on grade level (an increase of 4%), and 31% above grade level (an increase of 11%). The school uses the UIP root cause analysis and planning process as their comprehensive needs assessment to evaluate the effectiveness of our Title I, ELL and migrant programs, as well as our Special Education and Gifted and Talented programs. The school accountability committee consisting of parents, community members and staff members who contribute to the creation of the school improvement plan through data review and root cause analysis. Data reviewed is STAR and DIBELS.



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