Early College Academy (2657)
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Grade 9 - Grade 12
School District:
Greeley 6 (3120)
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SAT and PSAT Mathematics
About the SAT and PSAT in Mathematics
The SAT suite of assessments, along with CMAS, are the state's summative content assessments for measures of college/career readiness.
Colorado administers the PSAT in grades 9 and 10 and the SAT in grade 11.
Note that participation in the state assessments can vary across schools, grade levels and student groups. Participation information should always be reviewed and taken into consideration thoughtfully when interpreting assessment results.
N/A means these data are not available.
-- means the group size is too small, so these data are not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Average SAT and PSAT Scores for School Year 2023-2024
Mathematics Results
Average SAT & PSAT Scores (School)
SAT Grade 11: 515
PSAT Grade 10: 508
PSAT Grade 9: 471
Average SAT & PSAT Scores (District)
SAT Grade 11: 433
PSAT Grade 10: 403
PSAT Grade 9: 394
Average SAT & PSAT Scores (Statewide)
SAT Grade 11: 477
PSAT Grade 10: 445
PSAT Grade 9: 430
Percentage of Students Who Met or Exceeded Expecations for School Year 2023-2024
Mathematics Results for PSAT Grade 9
% Met or Exceeded (School)
Participation Rate: 100.0%
% Met or Exceeded (District)
Participation Rate: 92.1%
% Met or Exceeded (Statewide)
Participation Rate: 85.1%
Mathematics Results for PSAT Grade 10
% Met or Exceeded (School)
Participation Rate: 100.0%
% Met or Exceeded (District)
Participation Rate: 90.4%
% Met or Exceeded (Statewide)
Participation Rate: 83.5%
Mathematics Results for SAT Grade 11
% Met or Exceeded (School)
Participation Rate: 100.0%
% Met or Exceeded (District)
Participation Rate: 92.1%
% Met or Exceeded (Statewide)
Participation Rate: 86.6%
Select a Grade: PSAT Grade 9 PSAT Grade 10 SAT Grade 11
N/A means these data are not available.
-- means the group size is too small, so these data are not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Subject Area | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Mathematics | 23.8% | 25.0% | 51.2% | 100.0% |
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Subject Area | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Mathematics | 13.8% | 13.8% | 72.3% | 100.0% |
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Subject Area | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Mathematics | 21.8% | 38.5% | 39.7% | 100.0% |
Select a Grade: PSAT Grade 9 PSAT Grade 10 SAT Grade 11
N/A means these data are not available.
-- means the group size is too small, so these data are not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible | 26.1% | 23.9% | 50.0% | 100.0% |
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Not Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible | 20.6% | 26.5% | 52.9% | 100.0% |
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible | 14.0% | 14.0% | 72.1% | 100.0% |
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Not Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible | 13.6% | 13.6% | 72.7% | 100.0% |
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible | 30.2% | 44.2% | 25.6% | 100.0% |
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Not Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible | 11.4% | 31.4% | 57.1% | 100.0% |
Select a Grade: PSAT Grade 9 PSAT Grade 10 SAT Grade 11
N/A means these data are not available.
-- means the group size is too small, so these data are not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Female | 25.0% | 20.8% | 54.2% | 100.0% |
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Male | 21.9% | 31.3% | 46.9% | 100.0% |
Mathematics Results By American Indian or Alaska Native for PSAT Grade 9
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By Asian for PSAT Grade 9
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By Black for PSAT Grade 9
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By Hawaiian/Pacific Islander for PSAT Grade 9
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Hispanic | 30.0% | 22.0% | 48.0% | 100.0% |
Mathematics Results By Not Reported for PSAT Grade 9
Data not available.
Mathematics Results By Two or More Races for PSAT Grade 9
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
White | - - | - - | 60.9% | 100.0% |
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Female | 16.1% | 9.7% | 74.2% | 100.0% |
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Male | 11.8% | 17.6% | 70.6% | 100.0% |
Mathematics Results By American Indian or Alaska Native for PSAT Grade 10
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By Asian for PSAT Grade 10
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By Black for PSAT Grade 10
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By Hawaiian/Pacific Islander for PSAT Grade 10
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Hispanic | - - | - - | 67.4% | 100.0% |
Mathematics Results By Not Reported for PSAT Grade 10
Data not available.
Mathematics Results By Two or More Races for PSAT Grade 10
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By White for PSAT Grade 10
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Female | 31.8% | 36.4% | 31.8% | 100.0% |
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Male | 8.8% | 41.2% | 50.0% | 100.0% |
Mathematics Results By American Indian or Alaska Native for SAT Grade 11
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By Asian for SAT Grade 11
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By Black for SAT Grade 11
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By Hawaiian/Pacific Islander for SAT Grade 11
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Hispanic | 26.5% | - - | - - | 100.0% |
Mathematics Results By Not Reported for SAT Grade 11
Data not available.
Mathematics Results By Two or More Races for SAT Grade 11
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
White | - - | - - | 62.5% | 100.0% |
Select a Grade: PSAT Grade 9 PSAT Grade 10 SAT Grade 11
N/A means these data are not available.
-- means the group size is too small, so these data are not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By English Language Proficiency: (NEP/LEP) for PSAT Grade 9
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By English Language Proficiency: (Not NEP/LEP) for PSAT Grade 9
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By LEP (Limited English Proficient) for PSAT Grade 9
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By English Language Proficiency: (Not NEP/LEP) for PSAT Grade 9
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
FEP (Fluent English Proficient), FELL (Former English Language Learner) | - - | - - | 41.2% | 100.0% |
Mathematics Results By PHLOTE, NA, Not Reported for PSAT Grade 9
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By Gifted and Talented for PSAT Grade 9
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Not Gifted and Talented | - - | - - | 40.6% | 100.0% |
Mathematics Results By Migrant for PSAT Grade 9
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Not Migrant | 23.8% | 25.0% | 51.2% | 100.0% |
Mathematics Results By IEP for PSAT Grade 9
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By No IEP for PSAT Grade 9
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By English Language Proficiency: (NEP/LEP) for PSAT Grade 10
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
English Language Proficiency: (Not NEP/LEP) | 13.8% | 13.8% | 72.3% | 100.0% |
Mathematics Results By LEP (Limited English Proficient) for PSAT Grade 10
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
English Language Proficiency: (Not NEP/LEP) | 13.8% | 13.8% | 72.3% | 100.0% |
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
FEP (Fluent English Proficient), FELL (Former English Language Learner) | - - | - - | 50.0% | 100.0% |
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
PHLOTE, NA, Not Reported | - - | - - | 87.2% | 100.0% |
Mathematics Results By Gifted and Talented for PSAT Grade 10
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By Not Gifted and Talented for PSAT Grade 10
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By Migrant for PSAT Grade 10
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By Not Migrant for PSAT Grade 10
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By IEP for PSAT Grade 10
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By No IEP for PSAT Grade 10
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By English Language Proficiency: (NEP/LEP) for SAT Grade 11
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By English Language Proficiency: (Not NEP/LEP) for SAT Grade 11
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By LEP (Limited English Proficient) for SAT Grade 11
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By English Language Proficiency: (Not NEP/LEP) for SAT Grade 11
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
FEP (Fluent English Proficient), FELL (Former English Language Learner) | 26.1% | 43.5% | 30.4% | 100.0% |
Mathematics Results By PHLOTE, NA, Not Reported for SAT Grade 11
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Gifted and Talented | - - | - - | 71.4% | 100.0% |
Yet Meet Expectations %,Approached
Expectations %,Met or
Exceeded Expectations %
Disaggregated Group | Did Not Yet Meet |
Approached | Met Or Exceeded |
Participation Rate |
Not Gifted and Talented | - - | - - | 28.1% | 100.0% |
Mathematics Results By Migrant for SAT Grade 11
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By Not Migrant for SAT Grade 11
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By IEP for SAT Grade 11
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Mathematics Results By No IEP for SAT Grade 11
Group size too small. Data not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
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