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SchoolView: School and District Data from the Colorado Department of Education

Estes Park High School (2794)

High school

Google map of Estes Park High School



Total Students Served

Grade 9 - Grade 12

School Profile

About Estes Park High School (2794)


Estes Park High School


Estes Park High School is a rural high school in the Estes Park School District located in the Rocky Mountains at the entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park. The community is small and rural and the population in the community fluctuates between fall, winter, spring and summer with the influx of employees to work in the hotel and hospitality industry. Aside from Estes Park, the high school serves the surrounding communities such of Glen Haven, Pinewood, and Allenspark that reach about 20 miles… in each direction. Estes Park High School enrollment for the 2023/24 school year is 338 students. From that enrollment, 10 students are in the ?B? track participating in Trep/Ascent programming, 5 are in the ?D? track participating in athletics or activities only, and 2 are in the ?E? track participating on a part-time basis. This brings our high school down to 321 students here at the high school on a full-time basis on the ?A? track. A breakdown of the student population shows that 164 male students, 172 female students and 1 student identifying as transgender. 215 students identify as Caucasian, 110 Hispanic, 5 Asian, 4 African-American, 1 American Indian and 2 unclassified. Currently EPHS has 31 students on an IEP, 49 students are categorized as ELD, with 14 of those being newcomers. EPHS has 24 full-time teachers and 2 part-time teachers providing an approximately 14:1 student to teacher ratio. The high school has a leadership team that sets school goals in alignment with our district Unified Improvement Plan and this year is aligned directly with our high school improvement planning as well. This team consists of administration, instructional coach and one member of each department team and contributes data, goals and feedback that has impacted the drafting of the improvement plan for the school. In addition, teams of professional learning communities in each core and elective content area sets goals, monitors those goals and reflects and makes plans regarding strategies for improvement. There are professional development days built into our school calendar to provide time for our teams to collaborate on these processes. The high school maintains an accountability and advisory committee consisting of parents and teachers that also contributes to improvement planning and monitors improvement efforts. The committee meets 4 times per year. In addition, some high school staff members were part of the strategic planning efforts that were created with partnership through the Colorado Education Initiative (CEI) in the 2022/23 school year.



School Year: 2024-2025
More Enrollment Info

Student-Teacher Ratio


School Year: 2023-2024
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Final 2024 Performance Rating

Attendance Rate


School Year: 2023-2024
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4-Year Grad Rate


School Year: 2023-2024
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Dropout Rate

<= 0.5%

School Year: 2023-2024
More Dropout Info

Average SAT & PSAT Scores

SAT Grade 11:


PSAT Grade 10:


PSAT Grade 9:


School Year: 2023-2024
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Chronically Absent


School Year: 2023-2024
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