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Colorado Department of Education

SchoolView: School and District Data from the Colorado Department of Education

Delta County 50(J) (0870)

Elementary school

Middle school

High school

DELTA, CO 81416


Total Students Served


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Caryn Gibson

District Website


About Enrollment in Colorado

Every year in October, we count the number of students who are enrolled in school in Colorado. We use this "October count" to help us figure out things like:

  • What does the mix of students look like at each school?
  • How many students are in different types of programs?

Enrollment numbers are also used to determine how the money for schools is divided up across the state and more.


N/A means these data are not available.
-- means the group size is too small, so these data are not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.

Number of Students Enrolled

Students Enrolled (District)


School Year: 2024-2025

Students Enrolled (Statewide)


School Year: 2024-2025

Percentage of Enrolled Students who Qualify for Free & Reduced Lunch

Free & Reduced Lunch % (District)


School Year: 2024-2025

Free & Reduced Lunch % (Statewide)


School Year: 2024-2025


N/A means these data are not available.
-- means the group size is too small, so these data are not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.

Total Enrollment by Grade
'Pre K','Half Day K','Full Day K','1st Grade','2nd Grade','3rd Grade','4th Grade','5th Grade','6th Grade','7th Grade','8th Grade','9th Grade','10th Grade','11th Grade','12th Grade'
Enrollment (# of Students)
State translated
enrollmentSchoolYear by Grade for School Year 2024-2025
Category State Total
Delta County 50(J)
Pre K 31,861 303
Half Day K 1,025 8
Full Day K 57,579 271
1st Grade 59,993 318
2nd Grade 62,029 301
3rd Grade 65,161 317
4th Grade 62,907 307
5th Grade 64,319 341
6th Grade 63,916 327
7th Grade 64,491 319
8th Grade 65,448 355
9th Grade 68,823 379
10th Grade 69,249 309
11th Grade 69,501 330
12th Grade 74,763 339
Total Enrollment
Enrollment (# of Students)
State translated
Enrollment by Gender, Race and Ethnicity Trend Over Time with most recent School Year 2024-2025
DIST NAME 2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020
State Total 881,065 881,464 883,264 886,517 883,199 913,223
Delta County 50(J) 4,524 4,614 4,699 4,738 4,793 5,032
Enrollment by Gender, Race and Ethnicity
'American Indian or Alaskan Native Female','American Indian or Alaskan Native Male','Asian Female','Asian Male','Black or African American Female','Black or African American Male','Hispanic or Latino Female','Hispanic or Latino Male','Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander Female','Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander Male','Two or more races Female','Two or more races Male','White Female','White Male'
Enrollment (# of Students)
State translated
Enrollment by Gender, Race and Ethnicity for School Year 2024-2025
Category State Total
Delta County 50(J) TOTAL
American Indian or Alaskan Native Female 2,523 4
American Indian or Alaskan Native Male 2,564 5
Asian Female 14,580 19
Asian Male 14,873 25
Black or African American Female 19,810 7
Black or African American Male 20,762 5
Hispanic or Latino Female 157,404 565
Hispanic or Latino Male 163,924 548
Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander Female 1,444 1
Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander Male 1,594 0
Two or more races Female 23,353 91
Two or more races Male 24,420 105
White Female 209,424 1,545
White Male 223,955 1,604
Enrollment by Instructional Program Service Type
'Gifted and Talented','Special Education','Online','EL Including M1 M2','Homeless','Section 504','Immigrant','Migrant'
Enrollment (# of Students)
State translated
Enrollment by Instructional Program Service Type for School Year 2024-2025
Category State Total
Delta County 50(J)
Gifted and Talented 71,924 216
Gifted and Talented Percent N/A 4.8%
Special Education 117,616 704
Special Education Percent N/A 15.6%
Online 33,629 430
Online Percent N/A 9.5%
English Learners Including M1 M2 123,777 222
English Learners Including M1 M2 Percent N/A 4.9%
Homeless 14,498 81
Homeless Percent N/A 1.8%
Section 504 41,085 103
Section 504 Percent N/A 2.3%
Immigrant 29,224 - -
Immigrant Percent N/A - -
Migrant 2,300 33
Migrant Percent N/A 0.8%

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