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English Learners Definitions
Definitions and Key Messages
ACCESS for ELLs - (Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners) Colorado’s English language proficiency assessment given to K-12 students who have been identified as ELs.
AGP- (Adequate Growth Percentile) AGPs are the growth percentiles needed to get to English proficiency within the set timeline.
AMAO- (Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives) The objectives that school districts must meet with regard to their Language Instruction Education Program. Required by No Child Left Behind, Title III.
BICS- (Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills) The language ability required for face-to-face communication where linguistic interactions are embedded in a situational context.
BOE- (Body of Evidence) Multiple data sources used for monitoring and reclassifying a student. CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency) The language ability required for academic achievement in a context-reduced environment such as classroom lectures and textbook reading assignments.
CAS- (Colorado Academic Standards) Expectations of what students need to know and be able to do at the end of each grade.
CELP- (Colorado English Language Proficiency Standards) Comprehensive English Language Proficiency standards that address the need for students to become fully proficient in both social and academic English.
CLD- (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) A term used to describe students of differing cultural and/or linguistic backgrounds.
ELA- (English Language Acquisition) Providing services to English language learners through a transitional native language instruction model and/or an English as a second language (ESL) model. The goal of the program is for students to transition to the mainstream English language instructional program.
ELD- (English Language Development) Can be a program or simply a set of guidelines for the language development of ELs. The State of Colorado has English Language Development Standards to guide districts, schools and teachers in developing appropriate programs.
EL- (English Learner) A student who is linguistically diverse and who is identified using the state- approved English language proficiency assessment and a body of evidence as having a level of English language proficiency that requires language support to achieve standards in grade-level content in English
ESEA- (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) Passed in 1965 as a part of the “War on Poverty.” ESEA emphasizes equal access to education and establishes high standards and accountability. In 2002, Congress amended ESEA and reauthorized it as the NCLB.
ESSA – (Every Student Succeeds Act) was signed by President Obama on December 10, 2015. This bipartisan measure reauthorizes the 50-year-old ESEA, the nation’s national education law and longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students.
ESL- (English as a Second Language) A model for providing services to English learners that includes supported English content instruction and English language development.
Exceptional- Students who are gifted/talented, students with disabilities, and English learners who have special learning needs are considered to be exceptional.
Exited- Learners who are FEP (Fluent English Proficient) and who after being monitored for 2 years no longer require ELA services. Exit 1 and 2 are added for new process for reporting under ESSA.
FEP- (Fluent English Proficient) English learners who are able to understand and communicate effectively with various audiences on a wide range of familiar and new topics to meet social and academic demands. They are able to achieve in content areas comparable to native English speakers, but may still need limited linguistic support.
GT- (Gifted and Talented) Students who give evidence of high performance capability in intellectual, creative, artistic, leadership, or specific academic areas.
HLS/HLQ- (Home Language Survey) A form completed at the time of registration used to identify English learners for the purpose of providing access to appropriate educational opportunities.
IDEA- (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) The federal law pertaining to Special Education. Reauthorized in 1997. IEP (Individualized Education Program) A written statement for each child with a disability that is developed, reviewed, and revised in a meeting in accordance with the individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)
IPT- (Idea Proficiency Test) English language proficiency test
L1- (First language) The language a child learns as his or her native language
L2- (Second Language) A language an individual learns in addition to his or her first language
LEA- (Local Education Agency) The local school district or BOCES LIEP (Limited Instruction Education Program) Districts are required to provide evidence that appropriate programming is available for ELs. LEP- (Limited English Proficient) Individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, speak, write or understand English can be Limited English Proficient.
MGP- (Median Growth Percentile) MGPs are the median individual student growth percentiles calculated at district EMH levels Where n=20+. The median individual student growth percentile provides a measure of the relative effectiveness of the school/district in teaching English to ELs.
Monitor 1, Monitor 2- ELs reclassified as FEP are monitored for a period of 2 years to determine their successes in the regular school program. Monitoring will increase to 4 years under ESSA.
MTSS- (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) A prevention-based framework of team-driven, data-based problem solving for improving the outcomes of every student through family, school, and community partnering and a layered continuum of evidence-based practices applied at the classroom, school, district, region, and state level.
NEP- (Non-English Proficient) Students who come from another language background and are not fluent in English (speaking, listening, reading and/ or writing)
OCR- (Office for Civil Rights) The department of federal government that watches out for violations of civil rights laws. They can also be contacted by parents and teachers to report violations by school districts with regards to ethnicity or language discrimination.
PHLOTE- (Primary or Home Language Other Than English) A designation given to students based on information from the Home Language Questionnaire that indicates the primary language spoken at home is not English.
Redesignation- Redesignation is a term that is used when a student’s English language proficiency level changes from Limited English Proficiency (LEP) to Fluent English Proficiency (FEP) Monitor Year 1. Sheltered Content Courses- A course designed to make grade-level academic content understandable for English learners while at the same time developing their English language proficiency. The instructor uses strategies and techniques to integrate language and content while infusing socio-cultural awareness.
SIOP- The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) is a research-based and validated model of sheltered instruction to help teachers plan and deliver lessons that allow English learners to acquire academic knowledge as they develop English language proficiency.
SLIFEs – Students with Limited/Interrupted Formal Education
SOLOM- (Student Oral Language Observation Matrix) An informal language acquisition matrix done through observation of the student in various settings.
W-APT- (WIDA-ACCESS Placement Test) Colorado’s English language proficiency “screener” test given to incoming students who may be designated as English learners. It assists with placement decisions such as identification and placement of ELs.
WIDA- (World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment) Colorado is a member state of the non-profit cooperative group whose purpose is to develop standards and assessments that meet and exceed the goals of NCLB and promote educational equity for ELs.
WM- (Woodcock-Munoz) There are several assessments produced by “Woodcock-Munoz”, but the most common is the language proficiency test used by districts in a BOE to determine placement in an ELA program or not.
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