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October 2023 Update
Welcome to the CDE Update! This monthly publication for district superintendents and BOCES directors will show you what is happening in key priority areas at CDE and include details on implementation, milestones, deadlines and resources.
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Accountability, Performance & Support
- All school and district UIPs for the 2023-24 school year are due for public posting and/or CDE review on Monday, Oct. 16. Newly identified sites, Year 1, ESSA Comprehensive Support and sites participating in request to reconsider may request an extension. See the guidance for additional details.
- Districts choosing to participate in the request to reconsider process must submit additional evidence in the Accreditation Portal by Monday, Oct. 16. Guidance and tools for submission are available on the CDE website.
- CMAS assessment administration training for District Assessment Coordinators will be held virtually in October. Specific registration details, including training dates, will be sent directly to District Assessment Coordinators.
District Operations
Data Pipeline
Non-public schools may be entered into the Data Pipeline starting Tuesday, Oct. 3. The collection closes Friday, Dec. 1.
The Student End of Year snapshot is in the Cross-LEA phase of the collection. The Post Cross LEA validation phase will occur Thursday, Oct. 19, through Thursday, Nov. 16. The final approval deadline is Nov. 30.
The 2023-24 Individualized Education Program and staff interchange files may be uploaded to the Data Pipeline. Special Education December Count snapshot will be available Thursday, Nov. 2.
The 2022-23 December Finance collection is open and is due Sunday, Dec. 31.
Federal Programs & Support
- Registration is open for the free 2023 Equity and Excellence Conference: “Strengthening and Expanding Practices: All Students and All Educators Emerging Stronger” The conference will be Wednesday, Nov. 1 to Thursday, Nov. 2.
The second round of applications for the Stronger Connections Grant is open through Friday, Dec. 15. Application materials will be available on the Stronger Connections Grant webpage.
The 2023-24 Empowering Action for School Improvement application is available. Schools identified for state and/or federal improvement are eligible for this opportunity. For more information, see the current EASI application.
Nutrition & Health
- All school districts that implement the federal National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs opted into the Healthy School Meals for All program that will provide free lunch and breakfast for public school students. Read more about the districts that opted in in CDE’s news release:
Postsecondary Readiness
- The Office of Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness will host regional tours around the state to facilitate strategic conversations around postsecondary and workforce readiness programming. The first tour will be in Alamosa on Tuesday, Oct. 24.
- A Recruitment Webinar for the Innovative Learning Opportunities Pilot Program will be at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 31. This webinar will provide information on the ILOP Program, how to apply and current schools/districts will share about their ILOP programming.
- The Automatic Enrollment in Advanced Courses Grant will open in late October. This grant is available to help districts, schools and BOCES increase student enrollment in advanced coursework.
Teaching and Learning
Standards and Instruction
- View the Improving Mathematics Outcomes in K-12 webpage for information on House Bill 23-1231 and the various programs and supports available to improve mathematics outcomes and accelerate achievement. A fact sheet is also available.
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