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PWR Regional Tours
Regional Tours 2023-24
We're hitting the road!
Based on school district participation data and human-centered design community feedback reports from the 1215 Task Force, we learned that district participation in Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) programs is very low in rural areas of the state. Additionally, students, families, educators, and industry professionals shared that limited awareness and access of PWR programs are the top barriers to participating in these career readiness opportunities.
Join your peers from neighboring schools, districts, and community partners for a PWR Tour in your region to engage in strategic conversations about increasing your knowledge and participation in PWR programs.
Registration is Now Closed
Save the Dates!
- October 24: San Luis Valley @ Adams State University, Alamosa: Final agenda
- November 8: Western Slope @ Colorado Mesa University, Grand Junction: Final agenda
- November 28: Northeast Colorado @ Morgan Community College, Fort Morgan: Final agenda
- January 23: Southeast Colorado @ Otero College, La Junta: Final agenda
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