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June 2023 CDE Update
Welcome to the CDE Update! This monthly publication for district superintendents and BOCES directors will show you what is happening in key priority areas at CDE and include details on implementation, milestones, deadlines and resources.
If you have any feedback regarding the CDE Update, email
Leadership News
The Colorado State Board of Education on May 30 voted unanimously to select Susana Córdova as the sole finalist for the position of Commissioner of Education. The board anticipates formally voting on the appointment of the new commissioner during its next regular meeting on June 14 and 15, following the statutorily required two-week waiting period after a finalist is announced.
Colorado Universal Preschool Update
- PSAT and SAT scores will be available to educators through College Board’s K-12 Score Reporting Portal beginning on June 9. Paper score reports will be shipped to schools beginning the third week of June unless an August delivery date was selected in the September establishment survey.
- CMAS individual student level data files, summary data files and preliminary student reports will be available to schools and districts in June.
Educator Talent
- Assurances Process for 2023-24 are due Saturday, July 1. Assurances for 2023-24 are the same as 2022-23.
- Another round of The Mentor Grant Program funding is available for the 2023-24 school year. Applications are due by June 8. Details can be found on the Mentor Grant webpage.
Federal Programs &Support
- The Stronger Connections Grant applications must be submitted through the online application form by Wednesday, June 7. The application as well as application materials and resources are available on CDE’s Stronger Connections Grant webpage.
District Operations
Data Pipeline
- The Special Education Discipline Snapshot final deadline is Thursday, Aug. 17.
- The School Discipline periodic collection deadline is Friday, Aug. 18.
- The Attendance Snapshot deadline is Thursday, Aug. 24.
- The teacher student data link interchange file and snapshot deadline is Friday, Aug. 25.
- The Designated Agency data collection is open in the Data Pipeline for alternative licensure educator preparation programs to enter 2022-23 candidates until Thursday, Aug. 31.
- The Student End of Year snapshot for 2022-23 is open with initial due dates in June and July.
- The Special Education End of Year snapshot for 2022-23 deadline is Friday, Sep. 29.
- The Staff Evaluation Interchange final Staff Evaluation Snapshot deadline is Monday, Oct. 16.
Nutrition & Health
- Districts that choose to participate in The Healthy School Meals for All program can offer free breakfast and lunch to all students at participating schools for the 2023-24 school year. A communications toolkit is available to help districts and schools communicate information about the program to families.
- A free three-day School Nurse Orientation course for registered nurses hired to work in a Colorado school is available in July.
- The enrollment deadline for the Clean Air for Schools program has been extended to Saturday, July 15. Schools should apply as soon as possible to ensure timely delivery of the air cleaners. Learn more about Clean Air for Schools on CDPHE’s website.
Postsecondary Readiness
- The FAFSA/CASFA Completion Grant applications are due Friday, Sept. 1. This grant awards up to $15,000 per year with a performance period ending June 30, 2025.
Teaching and Learning
- The State Board will review the Kindergarten School Readiness assessments during their June board meeting. For more information contact Megan Rogers at
- Applications for the Dyslexia Working Group will be accepted through Friday, June 23. Visit the Dyslexia Working Group webpage for more information.
- Applications for the Colorado Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant – Professional Development Cohort are due Monday, June 19.
- The 2022-23 READ Spring Assessment Reporting deadline is Thursday, June, 15. Local education providers are required to report spring READ Act interim assessment scores for all K-3 students enrolled in the district.
- The 2023-24 Literacy Programs and Assessment Reporting deadline is Friday, June 30. Local education providers are required to report the READ Act administered interim and diagnostic assessments along with the core, supplemental and intervention programming for each school in the district for grades K-3.
For questions related to the READ Data Pipeline collections, contact the READ Act Data Team at
- Local education providers are required to revise and submit 2022-23 READ budgets to reflect actual READ Act allocation amounts by Friday, June 30.
- Prior to receiving READ funds for the 2023-24 school year, local education providers must submit a budget of how they plan to use the funds by Friday, June 30.
For questions related to submitting budgets, please contact the READ Act Data Team at
Standards and Instruction
- The next set of Colorado Academic Standards to be reviewed will include computer science, English language proficiency, physical education and world languages. The board will review and approve the standards by June 2024, and districts must implement the updated standards by the 2026-27 school year.
- Districts or schools that would like free access to Zearn Math can visit to learn more. Schools and districts can begin using Zearn Math immediately, as well as throughout the 2023-24 school year.
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