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Monitoring Training Center

Monitoring Trainings - 2023-2024

Office Hours Training, September 7, 2023

Monitoring Trainings - 2022-2023

Fall Regional Network Meeting, November 15, 2022

Monitoring Trainings - 2021-2022

Federal Programs Monitoring - Uploading Evidence

On August 5th, 2021, the Office of ESEA presented on the Federal Programs Monitoring Process. This presentation includes information on where to find key information and how to upload evidence to Syncplicity. 

Federal Programs Monitoring - Overview

On October 7th, CDE representatives from the Federal Programs Unit provided an overview of the monitoring process including the timeline, process, and next steps.  This training included a presentation from Denver Public Schools (DPS) regarding how DPS prepares for monitoring. The recording and PowerPoint are included below.

Federal Programs Monitoring - Preparing for 2022-2023 Monitoring 

On February 15th, CDE conducted a Regional Networking Meeting Training that provided an overview of the current monitoring processes for both ESEA and ESSER. This training is targeted to Federal Programs staff from all LEAs, with a focus on those being monitored in 22-23.

Federal Fiscal Monitoring

CDE’s Grants Fiscal Monitoring team recorded a presentation sharing the newly developed ESEA and ESSER monitoring tools. This presentation includes a step-by-step walk through of these documents including clarification and expectations for each line. This recording has been created alongside these documents to help streamline and clarify the fiscal document requirements to ease any undue burden on the LEAs. 

Identification and Delivery of Services (ID)

ID 9.1 Use of Funds

The CDE Monitoring team recorded a training on ID 9.1 Use of Funds. This training includes what is required of the indicator, what CDE will be looking for, and some examples of evidence for LEAs to consider. 

ID 9.9 GEPA-Implementation of Funds

The CDE Monitoring team recorded a training on ID 9.9 GEPA. The GEPA is already captured in the different applications for funds. This training dives deeper into how CDE will review the evidence for this indicator and what CDE is looking for to demonstrate compliance. 

Stakeholder Engagement (SE)

SE 9.11 Annual Consultation, FR 1.7 Proportionate Share, FR 9.4 Use of Funds for Non-Public Schools

The CDE Monitoring team recorded a training on three different Non-Public school indicators. Please note that this training can be skipped if the LEA doesn't have any non-public schools. This training will go over the requirements for each indicator and what CDE might need in addition to the already submitted consultation forms.

Fiscal Requirements (FR)

Fiscal Program Requirements/Indicators

On October 14th, CDE representatives from the Grants Fiscal Management Unit provided a training on Fiscal Requirement Indicators related to Monitoring during Office Hours. The team covered the following indicators:

  • FR 9.7 Property and Equipment
  • FR 9.8 Financial Management
  • FR 9.10 Time and Effort Reporting
  • FR 9.12 Written Policies 
  • FR 9.13 Procurement 
  • FR 9.15 Information Management PII
  • FR 9.16 Ethical Transparency 
  • FR 9.17 Internal Controls 
  • FR 9.18 Cost Principles 
  • FR 9.19 Revision of Budget and Program Plans
  • FR 9.20 Indirect Costs

Please find the PowerPoint and the recording below. 


Archived: 2018-2019

Webinar Name



Link for Participants

Stakeholder Engagement



Recording PowerPoint

District & School Reporting



Recording | PowerPoint 

Title III Parent Notification



Recording | PowerPoint

Title I & III Parent Involvement



Recording | PowerPoint

Fiscal Requirements: Comparability 12/19/18 1:00-1:30pm Recording PowerPoint
Fiscal Requirements: SNS & MOE 12/19/18 1:45-2:15pm Recording | PowerPoint
Fiscal Requirements: Office Hours 12/19/18 2:30-3:00pm Recording | PowerPoint