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PLC Bytes and Webinars for the Arts
PLC Bytes
PLC Bytes are 7-10 minute presentations or longer segmented presentations designed to be used in Professional Learning Communities (PLC) or faculty meetings. They provide brief-yet-to-the-point overviews of both general and content-specific components of the Colorado Academic Standards. New content-specific PLC Bytes will be highlighted on each content area home page. Find archived PLC Bytes here.
District Sample Curriculum Units for the Arts
The following webinars focus on the overall unit development process used for the District Sample Curriculum Project and Visual and Performing Arts recordings are available to share unique components/aspects of these arts specific units.
Overview of Instructional Unit Samples
- View the PowerPoint: Overview of Instructional Unit Samples Recorded Webinar
Visual and Performing Arts Instructional Units
Elementary Arts Integrated Units
The Office of Standards and Instructional Support has released three new Colorado teacher-authored integrated elementary instructional units based on the Colorado Academic Standards. The units integrate the arts with another content area providing instructional units that maintain the integrity of each discipline. The units were developed by a collaborative group of elementary classroom and arts educators and community arts partners in response to requests from the field.
Watch the PLC Byte Recorded Overview of the Elementary Arts Integrated Units (11 minutes) Arts integration compass rose graphic
- “Year-Long Large Music Ensemble Unit Launch”. This topic was chosen based upon feedback from music directors that wanted resources for authentic planning for marching band/choir etc. The Band and Choir Directors from Lake County High School in Leadville, Colorado developed a unit to meet these unique needs. Watch this video for an overview of the unit. (8 minutes 40 seconds)
- Using Art to Teach Colorado History Use this PLC Byte to take a virtual tour of 4th grade district sample units in Social Studies and all the arts disciplines (Dance, Drama Theatre Arts, Music and Visual Arts) as well as a few other great resources that could be used to create dynamic and engaging Colorado History learning opportunities for students. (8 minutes 45 seconds)Arts Integration Compass Rose Resource
- Celebrating Colorado's Collaborative Creativity: Arts Education Landscape
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