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Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness

Colorado high school graduates demonstrate the knowledge and skills (competencies) needed to succeed in postsecondary settings and to advance in career pathways as lifelong learners and contributing citizens.*

*This description of PWR was crafted by hundreds of school, district, business and community leaders, and adopted by the Colorado State Board of Education and the Colorado Commission on Higher Education in 2016

circular image of icap essential skills and pwr

Liz Barber, CEO of the Greeley Dream Team

"We use ICAP in everything we do, every day."

Hear from Liz Barber, Executive Director of the Greeley Dream Team and 2020 Outstanding alumnus, Misael about the power of meaningful career conversations.

ICAP is the foundation for Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness

Preparing students for Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) prompts practitioners to:

In the ICAP process, students develop and practice PWR Essential Skills:

  • Entrepreneurial: Critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and innovation, inquiry and analysis, risk taking
  • Personal: Initiative and self-direction, personal responsibility and self management, adaptability and flexibility, personal awareness, learn independently, perseverance
  • Civic/Interpersonal: Core academic foundation, collaboration and teamwork, communication, global and cultural awareness, ethics and integrity
  • Professional: Time management, career literacy, grit and resilience, work ethic; dependable and reliable, self-advocacy