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Colorado Computer Science Teacher Endorsement and Requirements (K-12)

CDE Requirements

Teachers need a bachelor's or higher degree in computer science or 24 semester hours of coursework as identified on the computer science endorsement worksheet, or successful completion of the Computer Science Praxis exam 5652 with a passing score of 149. The computer science endorsement is for K-12. Coursework must address the following topics:

  • Data structures, languages, and databases
  • Web-based programming and design
  • Knowledge of operating systems
  • System design, implementation, and management
  • Media and software applications
  • Robotics, file management, instructional design, and other computer applications (i.e. cybersecurity)

CTE Credentials

Teacher may also apply for CTE credentials that honor previous work experience, classroom experience, and or bachelor's degrees in the content. Secondary CTE Informational Technology Endorsement

Additionally, computer science professionals who would like to become teachers can apply for the alternative teaching licensure.

Endorsement Questions

For questions regarding computer science endorsements and requirements, please contact Pam Lewis or visit the Colorado Teacher Endorsement Requirements page.  

Colorado Computer Science Resources

Integrating the Colorado Academic Standards for Computer Science in K-12 is supported through a wide array of instructional resources, tools and curriculum. This webpage will highlight just a few of these resources and will be updated regularly. Please note, the Colorado Department of Education does not endorse any resource or opportunity, but lists them strictly as an informational service. Additional Resources can be found on CDE's Computer Science Resource Bank webpage

Artificial Intelligence (AI)


CEI Publishes, "Colorado Roadmap for AI in K-12 Education"

The Colorado Education Initiative recently published the Colorado Roadmap for AI in K-12 Education.  According to CEI's website, "The Colorado Roadmap for AI in K-12 Education is the result of months of collaboration by over 100 stakeholders from across the state. AI technology has unprecedented potential to reshape teaching and learning. By integrating AI thoughtfully and responsibly into the classroom, educators can enhance learning experiences, support diverse student needs, and prepare students for the future. This roadmap is a dynamic resource designed to support local school districts in developing their own approaches to AI integration. It emphasizes flexibility and adaptability, acknowledging the rapid pace of technological change and the importance of continuous learning and improvement."

General AI Resources

    • "The Artificial Intelligence (AI) for K-12 initiative (AI4K12) is jointly sponsored by AAAI and CSTA. The initiative is developing (1) national guidelines for AI education for K-12, (2) an online, curated resource Directory to facilitate AI instruction, and (3) a community of practitioners, researchers, resource and tool developers focused on the AI for K-12 audience. Check out the following information to learn about this initiative."
  •  ​​Teach AI
    • "Designed to help education leaders and policymakers understand the implications of AI in education and develop responsible policies that focus on teaching and learning."
  • ISTE: Artificial Intelligence in Education 
    • "Educators can use these tools to strengthen learning experiences while addressing the ethical considerations of using AI. ISTE is the global leader in supporting schools in thoughtfully, safely and responsibly introducing AI in ways that enhance learning and empower students and teachers."

Educator AI Training and Courses 


    • "CYBER.ORG's goal is to empower educators as they prepare the next generation to succeed in the cyber workforce of tomorrow."

Computing and Programming

    • " Anyone can learn Computer Science. Start coding today. Our courses and activities are free! It's easier—and more fun—than you think. Sign Up for Free."
  • CS Unplugged 
    • "CS Unplugged is a collection of free learning activities that teach Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles that use cards, string, crayons and lots of running around. We originally developed this so that young students could dive head-first into Computer Science, experiencing the kinds of questions and challenges that computer scientists experience, but without having to learn programming first."
  • CS for ALL 
    • "CSforALL is a central resource for individuals and organizations interested in K-12 computer science (CS) education. We connect providers, schools and districts, funders, and researchers working toward the goal of providing quality CS education to every child in the United States."
    • CS for ALL's Curriculum directory 

Digital Citizenship 

  •  Common Sense Media: Digital Citizenship 
    • "All students need digital citizenship skills to participate fully in their communities and make smart choices online and in life. Our award-winning K–12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum: Addresses top concerns for schools, prepares students with critical 21st-century skills.supports educators with training and recognition, and engages the whole community through family outreach." 

 K-12 Teacher Externships for STEM Occupations 

Envisioned in the spirit of innovation, equity, and authentic collaboration, Colorado House Bill 23-1198 serves as the cornerstone for a new, statewide K-12 Teacher Externship Program focused on Science,Technology, Engineering and Math-focused (STEM) occupations. This visionary initiative, driven by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE), is not just a program; it’s a state-led commitment to bridge the gap between education and industry that will serve as a catalyst for diverse and inclusive workforce development efforts in high-growth, high-demand STEM fields. Visit the K-12 Teacher Externship page to learn more and apply. 

Colorado Computer Science Programs and Courses 

To suggest a program not currently listed above, please contact Pam Lewis ​