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Overview: CDE's Computer Science Resource Bank contains a variety of materials for computer science educators, including standards, curricula, and materials for professional educator development as directed by H.B. 17-1884, Modern Technology Education in Public Schools.
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Note: If you are unable to access any portion of this resource bank, please contact Pam Lewis, 720-576-4622.
Legend - Type of Resource
Elementary - Middle - High - Free - Professional Development
AACE International Competitive ScholarshipsThis scholarship is available to full-time students pursuing a degree in computer science, engineering, information technology and other degrees... |
AAUW CybersecurityThe world’s leading cyber security company, Symantec, partnered with AAUW to develop the STEMpack: Cyber Security curriculum. A total of four... |
Admiral Grace Murray Hopper Memorial ScholarshipThe Society of Women Engineers offers this scholarship to women who are attending their freshman year of college. Applicants must be working... |
AFB Paul and Ellen Ruckes ScholarshipThe Paul and Ellen Ruckes scholarship is available to students who visually impaired or legally blind. Students must be attending an undergraduate... |
AFCEA Cyber SecurityUndergraduate and graduate students who majoring in cyber security, cyber attack, computer science, digital forensics or electronic engineering at... |
AFCEA ROTCStudents enrolled in the ROTC program who are majoring in computer science, physics, security and intelligence, global security, technology... |
African-American Women in TechnologyAAWIT support and provide opportunities for African-American Women in the field of Technology. Mentor/mentee and resume bank. Promotional... |
AISES Intel ScholarshipMembers of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society who are also Alaska or Hawaiian natives or members of an American Indian tribe can... |
AliceUsing an innovative programming environment to support the creation of 3D animations, the Alice Project provides tools and materials for teaching... |
American Society for CyberneticsThe American Society for Cybernetics was founded in 1964 in Washington, DC to encourage new developments in cybernetics as an inter-/trans-/meta-... |
Anita Borg InstituteABI is a social enterprise founded on the belief that women are vital to building technology that the world needs. We are on a quest to accelerate... |
Appreneur Scholar CompetitionThe global Appreneur Scholar competition for mobile app development is now accepting entries for its scholarship award. The competition, sponsored... |
Arkansas Department of Education Computer ScienceArkansas Department of Education is a leader in statewide computer science education implementation. |
Association for Computers and Humanities (ACH)The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) is a major professional society for the digital humanities. We support and disseminate... |
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)ACM brings together computing educators, researchers, and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources, and address the field's challenges.... |
Association for History and Computing (AHC)The Association for History and Computing is an international organisation which aims to promote and develop interest in the use of computers in... |
Association for Information Science & TechnologyASIS&T is the only professional association that bridges the gap between information science practice and research. For nearly 80 years, ASIS... |
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)AAAI is devoted to advancing the scientific understanding artificial intelligence. AAAI aims to promote research in, and responsible use of,... |
Association for Women in ComputingAWC is dedicated to promoting the advancement of women in the computing professions. Our members include many types of computer professionals,... |
AWS EducateProfessors, teaching assistants, and educators receive access to AWS technology, open source content for their courses, training resources, and a... |
Beauty and Joy of ComputingBeauty and Joy Computing provide classroom activities that teach programming and non-programming concepts. (E.g., computing-in-the-news... |
BeeBotThe new Bee-Bot App from TTS Group has been developed based on our well-loved, award-winning Bee-Bot floor robot. The app makes use of Bee-Bot... |
Betty Stevens Frecknall ScholarshipAITP student members who are full-time students pursuing a degree in computer science, information technology, computer information systems or... |
Black Boys Code"Black Boys Code is a Not-for-Profit organization dedicated to introducing young boys of colour in their critical development years (ages 8... |
Black Girls CodeBlack Girls Code mission: to introduce programming and technology to a new generation of coders, coders who will become builders of technological... |
Blacks at Microsoft Scholarship (BAM)Blacks at Microsoft (BAM) is a company-sponsored employee network dedicated to supporting the continued growth and development of black employees... |
Blockly GamesBlockly Games is a series of educational games that teach programming. It is designed for children who have not had prior experience with computer... |
BlocksCADBlocksCAD is an easy to use, yet robust, blocks-based, programmatic, computer automated design tool specifically designed for education. Students... |
BloxelsBloxels uniquely unlocks kids’ innate creativity by leveraging something they love: video games. Kids, K-8, can play fun games and channel their... |
BlueJA free Java Development Environment designed for beginners, used by millions worldwide. Free etextbook and instructor resources. |
Bootstrap"Bootstrap crafts research-based curricular modules for grades 6-12. Our materials reinforce core concepts from mainstream subjects like Math... |
BootUp PD, Inc"BootUp Professional Development, a national 501(c)(3) organization, helps districts implement elementary computer science initiatives through... |
BrainPopOur Creative Coding feature, in partnership with Vidcode, takes a project-based approach to the teaching of coding. It gives students a way to... |
Catching the DreamThis scholarship recognizes students who are members of a U.S. tribe and show good leadership skills within their community. Awards are given... |
Challenger Learning Center of ColoradoThe Colorado Consortium for Earth and Space Science Education (CCESSE) established the Challenger Learning Center of Colorado (CLCC). Opening its... |
Changing the Curve: Women in Computing @ Berkeley School of InformationIn this infographic, datascience@berkeley explores the history and influence of women in computing, looking at some big names throughout the ages... |
Code CombatWe started CodeCombat to give learners the feeling of wizardly power at their fingertips by using typed code. As it turns out, that enables them... |® is a non-profit dedicated to expanding access to computer science and increasing participation by women and underrepresented minorities... |
Code/InteractiveCode/Interactive (C/I), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, that cultivates the potential of America’s youth by ensuring that all students have access to a... |
CodeaCodea for iPad lets you create games and simulations — or just about any visual idea you have. Turn your thoughts into interactive creations that... |
Codeacademy"About Codecademy: |
codeCampuscodeCampus is an online professional development program and curriculum library that seeks to standardize how computer science is infused into... |
CodeliciousCodelicious courses are grade-level differentiated, align with all state and national computer science standards, and are continually updated to... |
Codemancer"‘Codemancer’ is an educational game designed for 6 to 12-year-olds (but fun for grownups, too) that teaches the magic behind programming.... |
CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey is an award winning learning environment that teaches a real programming language. Through an engaging game that got millions of... |
Coder DojoLearning resources, lessons, online modules for Java, php, html, Python, Scratch, Swift, AppInventor, Microbit, Arduino, RaspberryPi, and... |
Coder for Raspberry PiCoder is an experiment for Raspberry Pi, built by a small team of Googlers in New York. It’s a free piece of software that turns a Raspberry Pi... |
CodeSnapsCodeSnaps is a collaborative robotics coding environment with a mission to provide computer science education for all. CodeSnaps is intentionally... |
CodeSparkWe turn programming into play for kids 4-10. Our "no words" approach allows any child, anywhere to learn the ABCs of computer science. Curriculum... |
CodestersCodesters is on a mission to create a world where every kids learns to code in school. We believe this is best accomplished by providing existing... |
College Board AP Central CSThe AP Computer Science A course is equivalent to a first-semester, college-level course in computer science. The course introduces students to... |
Colorado School of MinesSummer camps for elementary through high school students. The K-12 Student Outreach Program offers various science, mathematics, and technology-... |
Colorado State UniversityMission: Facilitate collaboration and coordination among Colorado State University’s science, engineering, mathematics departments, and the... |
Colorado SucceedsColorado Succeeds is a network of Colorado business leaders, who have joined forces to make sure the education system works better and smarter for... |
Common Sense EducationCommon Sense Education provides educators and students the digital learning tools they need to harness the power of technology for learning and... |
Computational Thinking for Educators by GoogleThe goal of this course is to help educators learn about computational thinking (CT), how it differs from computer science, and how it can be... |
Computer Science OnlineWebsite lists MOOCS affiliated with major universities that can be taken for credit with payment. is an in-depth website... |
Computer Science Online Scholarship Resource ListComputer Science Online provides a comprehensive list of computer science related scholarships. They break it down into specific categories (i.e.... |
Computer Science Teachers AssociationComputer Science Teacher Association (CSTA) is a membership organization that supports and promotes the teaching of computer science and other... |
Connecting Girls to Computer ScienceInformation on camps, funding, clubs, and other resources for girls middle school to college. |
CouragionCouragion’s CS challenges help students build essential skills like critical thinking, problem solving, planning & prioritizing. The... |
CourseraOnline continuing ed for educators: CS101 teaches the essential ideas of Computer Science for a zero-prior-experience audience. The course uses... |
Creative Computing"Creative computing is... |
CS Education Week"Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) is an annual program dedicated to inspiring K-12 students to take interest in computer science.... |
CS for All TeachersPreviously known as the CS10K Community, CS for All Teachers provides a virtual home for teachers to connect with one another and with the... |
CS PrinciplesCourse overview and sample test questions. Computer Science Principles (CSP) is a new Advanced Placement course designed to give students... |
CS UnpluggedCS Unplugged is a collection of free learning activities that teach Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles that use cards, string,... |
CS4All Chicago Public Schoolshe original CS4All, launched in December of 2014, our initiative has passed the first pure computer science graduation requirement and are... |
CSTA StandardsProvides resources with how to link CSTA standards to state and national standards (such as CCSS) | is a project to document and disseminate effective computer science teaching practices. These computer science teaching tips... |
CTeLearningToday more than ever, you have so many pressures and no time to waste. Let our media rich project-based learning STEM / STEAM / CTE courses help... |
Dash and DotCoding and robotics for elementary and middle school. Our curriculum makes it easy to integrate coding into school day. We provide scaffolding to... |
Dell Computer Corporation ScholarshipTo be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must have completed an approved college readiness program and be graduating from an accredited... |
Denver Public Library Idea LabThe SM Energy ideaLAB is a makerspace and digital media lab at the Central Library. With our equipment and software, you can make videos, games,... |
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures"Dictionary of algorithms, algorithmic techniques, data structures, archetypal problems, and related definitions. Algorithms include common... |
Discover Data Science"Discover Data Science is all about making connections between prospective students and educational opportunities in an exciting new field. We... |
DOD STEM ScholarshipSponsored by the Department of Defense to support students in both undergraduate and graduate computer, science, math, technology and engineering... |
Dot DivaWe're idealistic . . . Dot Divas dream of a better world. We imagine: devices to track endangered dolphins GPS systems for people who are blind... |
Dr. JavaDrJava is a lightweight development environment for writing Java programs. It is designed primarily for students, providing an intuitive interface... |
EarSketchEarSketch is a free, web-based STEAM learning environment that engages students by teaching introductory computer science in the context of music... |
EDCOur curriculum designers are working to develop a continuum of CS learning and support, from very young children on up through high school. |
EdhesiveEdhesive makes online learning accessible, personal and meaningful. We combine online instruction from nationally recognized experts with the... |
Electronic Document Systems Foundation ScholarshipStudents interested in document preparation, production and distribution may be eligible for the Electronic Document Systems Foundation... |
Encouraging Women in STEMLearn more about women in STEM, including what types of resources are available to help budding female STEM professionals break barriers. |
ESA FoundationThis scholarship is available to female and minority students working toward a degree in computer and video game arts. Applicants must be... |
Everyone Can CodeWe created a comprehensive Everyone Can Code curriculum to help you teach coding to students from kindergarten to college. With teacher guides and... |
ExCEL Computing Scholarships(Only Available for students applying to Loyola University, Chicago). Academically talented students who demonstrate a financial need are eligible... |
Finch RobotThe Finch is a new robot for computer science education. Its design is the result of a four year study at Carnegie Mellon's CREATE lab. The... |
Ford Motor Company Tribal ScholarshipAmerican Indian, Alaskan Native, or Native Hawaiian applicants are eligible for this scholarship. Students must show leadership qualities and... |
Game Code SchoolThis web site is for beginners who want to learn how to make games. Building up what will hopefully become a comprehensive catalogue of pure... |
Gamestar MechanicGamestar Mechanic is a game and community designed to teach kids the principles of game design and systems thinking in a highly engaging... |
GEMS Clubs - Girls Exploring Math and ScienceAfter-school GEMS clubs in elementary and middle schools all over the world serve over 10000 girls. Elementary and middle school teachers are... |
Girl Scouts Made with Code"Made with Code was designed to: - Inspire millions of girls to experience the power of coding |
Girls Who Code"Girls Who Code was founded with a single mission: |
GlitchGlitch is an online code editor that makes it easy to create and publish your own web pages while learning HTML, CSS & JavaScript. "From... |
Google CS FirstCS First provides free, easy-to-use computer science enrichment materials that engage a diverse student population in grades 4-8 (ages 9-14).... |
Google For EducationWhether for Pre-K or PhD, Google for Education can support teachers, learners, researchers, and organizations. Learn more about the collaborative... |
Google Lime ScholarshipFor university students with disabilities pursuing computer science degrees in Canada and the U.S. |
Google Made with CodeMade with Code is an initiative launched by Google aimed to empower young women in middle and high schools with computer programming skills. Made... |
GreenfootGreenfoot is an interactive object-oriented Java development environment designed primarily for educational purposes at the high school and... |
Happy TeacherJennifer Cooper is a 9-12th grade technology teacher in Colorado and teachers Mobile CS App Design to teachers nationally. She has her National... |
Hello Ruby"Hello Ruby is the world’s most whimsical way to learn about technology, computing and coding. We are all about curiosity, playfulness and... |
HENAAC Scholars ProgramThis scholarship is sponsored by the Hispanics in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program. Applicants must contribute to... |
Henry Beckman Memorial Scholarship(Only available for students applying to University of Texas at Austin). High school seniors in the top 25 percent of their class are eligible to... |
HopscotchLesson plans. "What if creating software was so easy even kids could do it? |
Hummingbird RobotRobotics and coding kits for 8-12 students under $300. Great flexibility. Produced by Carnegie-Mellon. Hummingbirds are used in 3rd grade to 12th... |
IEEE Computer SocietyThe IEEE Computer Society is the world's leading membership organization dedicated to computer science and technology. Serving more than 60,... |
IEEE ScholarshipThis scholarship is awarded to students who have completed a project that shows outstanding understanding of computer science, engineering or... |
Ignite My Future in SchoolFree, online platform filled with real-world and relevant teacher lesson plans and other resources to integrate computational thinking across all... |
Intellitek STEMThe Intelitek STEM and CTE Foundation (ISCEF) develops and distributes state-of-the-art technology education programs in coding, robotics,... |
International Technology and Engineering Educators AssociationThe International Technology and Engineering Educators Association is the largest professional educational association, principal voice, and... |
Invent with Python"Learning to program makes you a smarter and more capable human being. Computers are not only the most common tool we encounter in our day-to... |
ISTEStudent, teacher, administrator, coaches and standards for computer science educators provided. |
JCreatorJCreator is the development tool for every programmer that likes to do what he does best: programming. It is faster, more efficient and more... |
JFugueMusic Programming for Java™ and JVM Languages With JFugue, writing programs that create music is fun and easy! |
K-5 Integrated Computer Sciences @ WeldRE-4Computer Science Literacy for K-5 Learners, sample lesson plans developed by teachers |
Kids, Code, and Computer ScienceKids, Code, and Computer Science magazine is a bi-monthly online and print magazine about learning to code, computer science, and how we use... |
Kinesthetic Learning Activities for CSA kinesthetic learning activity (KLA) is a physically engaging classroom exercise. This might, for example, teach recursion by simulating the... |
Kodable Class"We put educators first |
Lance Stafford Larson Student ScholarshipTo qualify for this scholarship, the student must write a paper regarding a topic of interest in the computer or technology industry. The student... |
Lead CSScholarly information regarding starting computer science programs. Provides overview and analysis of: CSTA Standards, ISTE Standards, Common Core... |
Learn PythonWelcome to the interactive Python tutorial. Whether you are an experienced programmer or not, this website is intended for... |
Learning BladeThis is a high quality supplemental curriculum that is focused on offering your students real world learning experiences in STEM education. It... |
LearnToModLearnToMod is a critically-acclaimed Minecraft modding platform that teaches students, 6-18 years old, the basics of computer science through... |
Lily PadLilyPad is a set of sewable electronic pieces designed to help you build soft interactive textiles. |
Little BitslittleBits is a platform of easy-to-use electronic building blocks that empower you to invent anything; classroom sets and curriculum linked to... |
Logo FoundationThe Logo Foundation is a nonprofit educational organization devoted to supporting educators, parents, and students in their engagement with... |
Lucy Kasparian Aharonian ScholarshipThis scholarship is available to female scholars of Armenian descent. Applicants must be full-time students at an accredited college or university... |
MakerBotMAKERBOT IN THE CLASSROOM The easiest setup experience with no tinkering required. Get started right away with hundreds of 3D printing lesson... |
Makey MakeyMaKey MaKey is an invention kit for the 21st century. Turn everyday objects into touchpads and combine them with the internet. It's a simple... |
MicrobitThe micro:bit is a handheld, fully programmable computer given to students across the UK - and now being used around the world. We are enabling... |
Microsoft Tuition ScholarshipThis scholarship requires that applicants be enrolled full-time at a four year college or university in the United States, Canada or Mexico.... |
mindSpark LearningComputer science education, and the computational thinking that accompanies it, is integral to students' careers and workforce development. We are... |
Minecraft: Education EditionSince the introduction of Minecraft to the classroom, educators around the world have been using Minecraft to effectively teach students... |
MinefaireMinefaire is a massive Minecraft experience merging the fan experience with learning opportunities. Workshops and attractions include coding in... |
Mircoprocessor PBJ LessonStudents will understand that the microprocessor follows a precise set of instructions. Activity Students will create a precise set of... |
MIT App InventorMIT App Inventor is an innovative beginner's introduction to programming and app creation for all Microsoft based platforms that transforms... |
Mobile CSPMobile CSP is an openly licensed, NSF-funded AP CSP curricula which supports evidenced-based teacher professional development. It was designed to... |
MY CSComplete step-by-step lesson plans. Very complete! "MyCS, or middle-years computer science, is a true CS curriculum. Middle-years means that... |
NAFNAF’s Academies of Information Technology prepare students for careers in programming, database administration, web design and management, digital... |
National Council of Teachers of MathematicsThe National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is the public voice of mathematics education, supporting teachers to ensure equitable mathematics... |
National Math and Science InitiativeNMSI provides content-based, teacher-to-teacher coaching, classroom-ready lessons, web-based resources; (HS): Year-long AP CS |
National Science Teacher AssociationColorado Association of Science Teachers: It's CAST's goal to support, stimulate, and improve science education for students of all ages... |
ncLabLearn Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math With the most advanced online education platform for current and future STEM professionals.... |
NCWIT Engage CSThree features distinguish EngageCSEdu: 1) A living collection of materials from the CS community; 2)It is designed to engage a diverse population... |
NeprisNepris connects teachers and students with the right industry experts, virtually without having to spend much planning time or leaving the... |
New York Hall of ScienceAt NYSCI, we believe that computer science is best learned contextual to solving problems important to students and society. Building on decades... |
NGSS"Through a collaborative, state-led process, new K–12 science standards have been developed that are rich in content and practice and... |
no starch press"The finest in geek entertainment." E-books for K-12: Arduino, Art & Design, General Computing, Hacking & Computer Secruity, Hardware/DIY... |
NSA Educational ResourcesNSA Partners with Schools What does NSA do with schools? To meet future national security challenges, NSA partners with schools to develop the... |
Nyble AppsWe make computer programming fun and engaging for both students and educators. Our aim is to inspire kids and ignite the curiosity about computer... |
Open Culture Computer Science CoursesA resource for free computer science courses online from leading universities. |
Oracle AcademyOracle Academy advances computer science education globally to drive knowledge, innovation, skills development, and diversity in technology fields... |
Pencil Code GymA coding laboratory using drawing, music, and creative fiction to help students progress from block coding to text. Supports Java, HTML, CSS, and... |
Processing FoundationThe Processing Foundation was founded in 2012 after more than a decade of work with the original Processing software. The Foundation’s mission is... |
Project GUTSProject GUTS-- Growing Up Thinking Scientifically -- is a science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) program for middle school students... |
Project Lead The Way"Our K-12 Pathways: Cohesive, Hands-On Learning Experiences |
PuzzletPuzzlets combines hands-on play with interactive gaming to form one seamless experience, engaging the mind and teaching the player new ways of... |
QPi EducationEngineering Workshops Designed by Engineers for Educators. Through our in-person workshops, educators are trained to effectively leverage... |
Random Hacks of Kindness, Jr.The mission of Random Hacks of Kindness Junior, Inc. (RHoKJr) is to empower students to use technology to positively impact the challenges facing... |
SchoolWide Labs"Schools need to prepare young people for the future. SchoolWide Labs can help make that happen. Using programable sensors, and our proven... |
ScratchYour students can use Scratch to code their own interactive stories, animations, and games. In the process, they learn to think creatively, reason... |
Scratch MathsHere’s the big idea. Maths is difficult in part because of the language in which it is expressed. Can we find a different language – and set of... |
Silicon STEM Academy"Silicon STEM Academy is a much needed new concept in after-school tech courses and summer tech camps to better meet the needs of kids, ages... |
Society of Women ScholarsScholarship resource. List of available scholarships to women in a variety of degree programs (including CS and STEM areas). |
SqueaklandEtoys is . . . an educational tool for teaching children powerful ideas in compelling ways a media-rich authoring environment and visual... |
Squishy CircuitsSquishy circuits are a project from the Playful Learning Lab at the University of St. Thomas. The goal of the project is to design tools and... |
StencylGame Studio in a Box Stencyl isn't your average game creation software; it's a gorgeous, intuitive toolset that accelerates your workflow and then... |
Stokes Educational Scholarship ProgramThis scholarship program is offered by the National Security Agency. High school seniors planning to pursue a degree in computer science, computer... |
TeachEngineering"The TeachEngineering Digital Library is an educational resource featuring standards-aligned, design-rich curricula. Our goal is to help educators... |
Teaching London Computing Activities ResourceTeaching London Computing in conjunction with cs4fn have produced a series of fun, mainly unplugged, activities for use in the classroom.... |
TEALS"Learning computer science empowers young people to compete in the global economy and pursue careers across all sectors because it teaches... |
TechnolochicasTECHNOLOchicas is a collaborative project of the National Center for Women & IT (NCWIT) and Televisa Foundation designed to raise awareness... |
Texas Regional Collaboratives for Excellence in Science and Mathematics TeachingPrimarily math and science teaching resources but some CS. |
The Ada ProjectThe Ada Project (TAP) is a clearinghouse for information and resources related to women in computing. TAP serves primarily as a collection of... |
The ConnectoryThhe most comprehensive collection of STEM opportunities and programs. The Connectory is the go-to place for families to discover local STEM... |
The CyberCorps Scholarship for Service Program (SFS)National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) provides scholarships to students who attend a full-time, approved... |
The Google Anita Borg Memorial ScholarshipThe Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship is offered by Google. This scholarship awards $10,000 to female undergraduate and graduate students who... |
The Virtual High SchoolThe Virtual High School (VHS, Inc.) is a non-profit organization serving more than 600 schools and thousands of students, worldwide. The mission... |
ThingiverseThingiverse Education provides over a hundred free lessons that make teaching with a 3D printer easier and more effective for a variety of grade... |
TrinketTrinket makes an all-in-one coding environment designed for education. Our mission is to bring code to every classroom by letting teachers and... |
TryItOnlineTIO is a family of online interpreters for an evergrowing list of practical and recreational programming languages (385!). To use TIO, simply... |
TynkerTynker is a creative computing platform where millions of kids have learned to program and built games, apps and more. Tynker offers self-paced... |
UC Davis C-STEM CenterThe C-STEM Math-ICT Curriculum and C-STEM ICT Pathway provide K-12 students with up to 13 years of hands-on integrated math and computer science... |
UdacityOur mission is to democratize education through the offering of world-class higher education opportunities that are accessible, flexible, and... |
UnityUnity 2017 introduces new features that help teams of artists and developers build experiences together. Powerful new tools, such as Timeline and... |
University of Denver"Summer Camp: In this program, 9th to 11th grade students will be on the beautiful University of Denver campus with adult supervision, hands on... |
Upsilon Pi Epsilon Student Award for Academic ExcellenceThe Executive Council of Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE) offers this scholarship to both undergraduate and graduate IEEE Computer Society members.... |
UTeach CS PrinciplesSince 1997, UTeach at The University of Texas at Austin has prepared large numbers of STEM majors to enter (and stay) in secondary classrooms, and... |
VidcodeVidcode is an award-winning software that teaches middle and high school students computer programming through their favorite hobby: video-making... |
W3 SchoolsThe World Wide Web Consortium shares extensive studying tools and tutorials for web development. HTML, CSS, Java, Bootstrap, XML, examples,... |
Women in Computer Science: Getting Involved in STEMThe Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects computer science research jobs will grow 19% by 2026. Yet, women only earn 18% of computer science... |
Wonder WorkshopWonder Workshop’s robots, which include Dash and Dot, are ready to go, right out of the box. These responsive robots are packed full of... |
Xerox Technical Minority ScholarshipXerox offers this scholarship to any minority student enrolled in a technical science discipline. Applicants must be a full-time student at an... |
ZulamaZulama has developed a highly engaging way for middle and high schools to teach Computer Science and Programming though Game Design Projects. The... |
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