CDE will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17 for the Presidents Day holiday.
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Director's Corner
We are currently updating our website for improved accessibility and navigation and as a result, some links may be broken and resources unavailable. If you require a specific resource that was previously available on our website, contact the Gifted Education Office for assistance.
Read Act Training Requirement
The READ Act requires districts to ensure that all teachers who provide literacy instruction to students in grades K-3 fulfill the READ Act teacher training requirement. Therefore, if a teacher regardless of title has a responsibility for teaching literacy in grades K-3 they are required to complete the training. If a gifted teacher provides consultation or literacy enrichment in K-3 that is a critical role in literacy. This gifted teacher would need to take the training as they impact literacy in the classroom.
For more information, please visit
Elements of the Gifted Program Plan
The Exceptional Children's Educational Act (ECEA) is Colorado's primary law with requirements for the implementation of specific elements and procedures for gifted education. The State Board of Education is responsible for promulgating rules that local districts use to follow Colorado education laws. Administrative Units (AUs) oversee and provide educational services to gifted students and professional development opportunities for educators. AU is defined as a school district, a board of cooperative services (BOCES), or the state Charter School Institute.
The elements below guide the AU Gifted Education Director/Coordinator in developing provisions for the implementation of the gifted program plan.
Click the links below to access information for each of the ECEA program elements.
*Legislation allows AUs to determine if Early Access is provided as a gifted programming option.
Additional Resources
Note: If you are not able to access the resources or need additional support, please contact the Office of Gifted Education Program Administrator
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