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Gifted Education Program Plans

gifted students working together

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Administrative Unit Program Plans

The Exceptional Children’s Educational Act (ECEA) requires all administrative units (AUs) in Colorado to identify and serve students between the ages of five and twenty-one, and age four in administrative units with Early Access.  AUs include:  school districts, Charter School Institute (CSI), multi-district administrative units and Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES).

View a list of Colorado districts and their Administrative Unit name

Comprehensive Program Plan

The AU Comprehensive Program Plan describes how the AU has implemented the key requirements for gifted education as defined in ECEA Rule and outlines areas for continuous improvement.  Plans may be updated and revised at any time and are reviewed by CDE as part of the collaborative monitoring process.

12.01(25)  "Program Plan" means a comprehensive and complete narrative of program elements, including, but need not be limited to: Procedures and criteria the AU will use for identification; Programming options for each category of giftedness that the AU will implement in the gifted program; and Actions and tools for the academic achievement of gifted children, and for evaluating the gifted program, which actions and tools are aligned with state accountability and program evaluations.

Early Access Plan

House Bill 08-1021 created the opportunity for Colorado AUs to accelerate highly advanced gifted children under age 4 for kindergarten and/or under age 5 for first grade pursuant to CRS 22-20-204(2).  Proving Early Access as a programming option is a local decision of the AU.  If an AU chooses to provide Early Access, the AU must file a written Early Access Plan in order to receive per-pupil funding for an early access student. 

12.01(12)  "Early  Access" means early entrance to kindergarten at age 4 or early entrance to first grade at age 5 for highly advanced gifted children who are placed in a grade level above other same aged peers based upon the following conditions: The student is formally identified as gifted as specified in 12.01(16); and the student meets requirements for accelerated placement as determined in an auditable body of evidence (e.g., achievement, ability, social-emotional factors, school learning skills, developmental characteristics, and family and school support).

List of AUs with Approved Early Access Plans

Find your AU's Comprehensive Program Plan and/or Early Access Plan:

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