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UNC Center for European Studies
The Center for European Studies: Jean Monet Center of Excellence. These lesson plans have been created as part of the EUnited Teacher Fellows Program at the Center for European Studies, a Jean Monnet Center of Excellence, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.Genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wall of names at the Potočari genocide memorial near Srebrenica.
Human Rights
Women at the monument for victims of the July 1995 Srebrenica Massacre. At the annual memorial ceremony in Potocari, Bosnia and Herzegovina. July 11, 2007
International Response
The International Court of Justice at the Hague, where prosecutions took place related to the Srebrenica Massacre.
This painting, originally done in 1888, was presented as a photo in the 1990s as a “Serbian boy whose whole family was killed by Bosnia Muslims.
An exhumed victim of the Srebrenica Massacre is reburied in the annual memorial ceremony at Potocari, Bosnia and Herzegovina. July 11, 2007.
"Rally for Justice and Truth for Bosnia, survivors and descendants in attendance.
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