Darfur Now is a story of hope in the midst of one of humanity's darkest hours -- a call to action for people everywhere to end the catastrophe unfolding in Darfur, Sudan. In this documentary, the struggles and achievements of six different individuals from inside Darfur and around the world bring to light the tragedy in Sudan and show how the actions of one person can make a difference to millions.
COAGG's mission is to educate, motivate and empower individuals and communities to oppose Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity. COAGG has a speakers bureau of individuals who will go into classrooms to speak of their experiences.
The Bosnian conflict was not simply a civil war or a feud of age-old adversaries. Michael Sells, author of The Bridge Betrayed, explains that it was a systematic campaign of genocide and a Christian holy war spurred by religious mythologies.
The Council of Europe was very heavily involved in co-operation with Bosnia and Herzegovina. The teaching of national histories in secondary schools in South Eastern Europe and history curricula development were the topics of seminars held in Sarajevo in 2002. The next step was to provide support for educators and the development of a manual on teaching Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Center for European Studies: Jean Monet Center of Excellence. These lesson plans have been created as part of the EUnited Teacher Fellows Program at the Center for European Studies, a Jean Monnet Center of Excellence, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Brief article about a victim's memorial created by a Bosnian artist collective. A great way to introduce the role art plays in remembering and surviving.
A thorough exploration causes, effects, and remembrance of the events of the Bosnian genocide. Includes primary sources, history analysis, and a great list of resources.
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