CDE will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17 for the Presidents Day holiday.
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November 2024 CDE Update for Superintendents and BOCES Executive Directors
Welcome to the CDE Update! This monthly publication for district superintendents and BOCES directors will show you what is happening in key priority areas at CDE and include details on implementation, milestones, deadlines and resources.
If you have any feedback regarding the CDE Update, email
Dear Superintendents and BOCES directors,
It’s hard to believe that the winter holidays are right around the corner! I hope your year is going well so far. This month’s update includes some important reminders about the application for our Purple Star Schools designation, the English language learner professional development requirement for educator licensure, and our regional ICAP trainings.
Join our attendance challenge!
As I shared in last month’s call, we are partnering with Attendance Works and 15 other states on a challenge to reduce our state’s rate of chronic absenteeism by 50% from our post-pandemic high (from 35.5% in 2021-2022 to 17.8% in 2026-2027). We’re asking every school district and BOCES in our state to join the challenge. Districts and BOCES who sign on will:
- Be recognized on our website;
- Commit to sharing best practices with CDE to share with the field;
- Access resources to help communicate about attendance; and
- Receive tools and support to analyze data.
Election Day is tomorrow
Tomorrow American voters will go to the polls to cast their votes on a range of national, state and local level issues. Schools are where we learn about democracy, and I especially want to thank our civics teachers for their work in helping young people learn about the American electoral system. Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, I know that we can all agree on the importance of education and an informed electorate and the need for critical thinking and research to be able to fully participate in our democracy. Thank you all for helping educate our future voters, and for being a voter as well! If you haven’t voted yet, the State of Colorado’s 2024 Blue Book can help you research the ballot issues.
Our next monthly Zoom call is Tuesday, Nov. 12
Finally, I look forward to seeing you for our third monthly Zoom meeting for superintendents and/or their delegates to review the information shared in our CDE Update emails. As a reminder, these optional meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 8am on Zoom.
Thank you for all that you do, and have a great week,
Dr. Susana Córdova
Colorado Commissioner of Education
District Operations
- Applications are open for the new Purple Star Schools Program. This designation is for Colorado public schools that provide exemplary services and support to military-connected students and their families. Find more information on our website and apply by Wednesday, Dec. 18 in GAINS.
- We have approved a data request to study teacher mobility trends. The study will use de-identified data such as salary, school assignment, and subject area. CDE will release this data only after a privacy and security agreement is signed. Findings will be shared with CDE, the Colorado Education Association, and in academic publications.
Educator Talent
- Reminder: the ELPD requirement for licensure starts in 2025. Effective Sept 1. 2025, teachers renewing licenses with an endorsement in elementary education, English language arts, math, science, social studies, or any middle-level subject must complete English Learner Professional Development (ELPD). If you already have an ELPD designation, you're all set! Contact for questions.
Health & Nutrition
- Non-Community Eligibility schools should follow the Healthy School Meals for All policy when collecting household income forms. We encourage you to use these communication tools to support families. Find forms and other resources on the Determine Program Eligibility webpage.
Federal Programs
- Bookmark the ARP-ESSER III Countdown to Closeout webpage. This site includes steps for LEAs to prepare for the closeout of ESSER, monthly reminders and links to helpful information. Contact your ESSER Lead for questions.
Postsecondary Readiness
- Save the date and sign up to receive information on our 2024-25 ICAP regional trainings. These sessions cover rule updates and integrating Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. The remaining sessions are
- Lamar: Wednesday, Nov. 13, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Greeley: Wednesday, Dec. 11, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Denver Metro: Tuesday, Jan. 14, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Colorado Springs: Tuesday, Feb. 4, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
School Quality & Support
- The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency has released a Threat Response Toolkit to help schools handle anonymous threats, including those on social media. This resource provides strategies to keep school communities safe while reducing disruptions and trauma.
- Want to improve educator practice and student outcomes? Register for Learning Forward’s 2024 Annual Conference, Dec. 8-11 at the Gaylord Rockies Resort in Aurora. Explore topics like instructional coaching, leadership, data use, and teacher retention.
- Thank you to all districts that submitted Accreditation Forms in September and requests to reconsider in October! For sites not in request to reconsider, ratings will be finalized at the November State Board of Education meeting. We will update districts requesting a reconsideration before the December meeting when all ratings will be finalized.
- District accreditation contract reminder: Once ratings are final, superintendents and board presidents must sign their district accreditation contracts by Tuesday, Dec. 31. Districts with "accredited" or "accredited with distinction" status will have contracts automatically renewed for up to four years, but we recommend signing a new one if there’s a new superintendent or board president. For details, email or visit our website.
- UIP submission reminder: School and district UIPs for the 2024-25 school year were due on Oct. 15 for public posting and/or CDE review. Newly identified sites (Priority Improvement, Turnaround Year 1, ESSA Comprehensive Support) or those in request to reconsider can submit by Wednesday, Jan. 15. For more details, see this guidance document.
- UIP consultation reviews offer support for schools and districts on Performance Watch or identified under ESEA. This new, collaborative approach provides thought partnership and faster feedback. For more details, view the review types overview resource.
- Join the Alternative Education Workgroup! We’re gathering stakeholders who work with Alternative Education Campuses to provide feedback on AEC frameworks, support, and processes. Meetings will be mostly virtual from December to March. To learn more and sign up by Nov. 15, see this AEC Workgroup flier or contact Lisa Steffen at
Teaching and Learning
- Preventing School Violence Grant: Applications are due by Thursday, Nov. 21. Grantees receive a two-year award of up to $30,000 annually per school to enhance school safety practices and strategies. Learn more and apply on GAINS.
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