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Guides to the Colorado Academic Standards in Drama and Theatre Arts

Colorado Academic Standards Drama and Theatre Arts Graphic (small)

The Arts Standards reflect the innate creativity and rigorous cognition, required to produce a work of art, all students deserve to experience. The standards challenge the elitist perception sometimes associated with the arts, asking all students to stretch their thinking and participate in the creative process inherent in each arts discipline (Know/Comprehend, Create, Perform/Present, and Refine/Critique). 

In partnership with the Colorado PTA, family and community guides to the Colorado Academic Standards (in English and Spanish) have been created to help families and communities across Colorado better understand the goals and outcomes of the Colorado Academic Standards. The guides describe the “big picture” purpose of the standards, as road maps to help ensure that all Colorado students graduate ready for life, college, and careers. They also provide overviews of the learning expectations for each of the ten content areas of the standards and offer examples of educational experiences that students may engage in, and that families could support, during the school year.

View guides for all of Colorado's core content areas.

A Special Thank You to...

The Standards and Instructional Support team would like to thank Dr. Carla Aguilar, Dr. Patrick Fahey, Dr. Mary Schuttler, and Judi Hofmeister for their invaluable contributions to the family/community guides for grades six-12 in the Arts.  Their expertise and content knowledge was instrumental in creating the guides and helping CDE better support all Coloradans engaged in the successful implementation of the Colorado Academic Standards.

Middle School Guides to Drama and Theatre Arts:

Elementary Schools Guides to Drama and Theatre Arts


For content specific questions, please contact Carla Aguilar, Interim Colorado Drama Theatre Content Specialist.