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Extended Evidence Outcomes
A strong command of academics is vital for being a successful student and ultimately a productive member of the 21st century workforce. Language, math, social studies and science skills have always been fundamental for academic and professional success. However, students in the 21st century are now facing more complex challenges in an ever-changing global society. These challenges have created the need for rigorous standards which include content knowledge and application of skills.
In 2005, the federal government allowed states to develop alternate academic achievement standards (AAAS) for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. In Colorado, the process involved the development of Expanded Benchmarks as the first iteration of the AAAS. In 2010-11 these became the Extended Evidence Outcomes (EEO). As required by statute, in 2018 the Colorado Academic Standards underwent significant updates. Once the Academic Standards were updated, the EEO in Reading, Writing, and Communicating, Math, Science, and Social Studies were revised.
These standards were developed for a very small and specific group of students, those who have been identified with a significant cognitive disability. There is a process in place that assists educational teams with this decision. The process and documents are available on the Instructional Standards and Adaptations for Students with a Disability webpage.
These standards for students with significant cognitive disabilities in all grades must be clear and rigorous so that our public educational system gives all students the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to succeed in postsecondary environments and the workforce, to be well-informed and responsible citizens, and to lead fulfilling personal lives.
Social Studies
The Social Studies EEOs have been updated to align with the 2023 Social Studies Standards. IEP teams should begin implementation during the 24-25 school year.
Webinar Training Series For The 2020 Extended Evidence Outcomes
An Overview of the 2020 Extended Evidence Outcomes - Webinar 1
Access to the 2020 Extended Evidence Outcomes - Webinar 2
Learning Progressions and the 2020 Extended Evidence Outcomes - Webinar 3
Extended Evidence Outcomes Evaluation
Utilize the Extended Evidence Outcomes Evaluation to ask additional questions about the Extended Evidence Outcomes that were not answered after watching all of the webinars. If your question is one that is frequently asked, it will be added to the Frequently Asked document being developed.
Contact Us
Exceptional Student Services Unit
201 E Colfax
Suite 400
Denver, CO 80203
Extended Evidence Outcomes Support
Gina Herrera
Phone: 303-253-0451
Connect With Us