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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
STEM Education Updates :
Access upcoming STEM events and professional learning opportunities, on this calendar.
The Presidential Award for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching (PAEMST) is not accepting applications for Science teachers in grades 7-12. Learn more and/or apply on the PAEMST site (linked here).
The Samsung Solve for Tomorrow competition invites public school students in grades 6-12 to use STEM to address community issues, with a chance to win technology and classroom supplies. Teachers can submit applications until October 24th by answering three simple questions, with 5 schools from each state winning at least $2,500 in technology before advancing to the next round. The nationwide competition offers a total of $2 million in prizes and aims to inspire students across various subjects to create positive change in their communities. Learn more here.
STEM Definition
"An interdisciplinary approach to learning where rigorous academic concepts are coupled with real-world lessons as students apply science, technology, engineering and mathematics in context that make connections between school, community, work, and the global enterprise, enabling the development of STEM literacy and with it the ability to compete in the new economy."
-- Tsupros, Kohler, & Hallinen, 2009
Note: The Office of Standards and Instructional Supports (SIS) interprets "real world lessons" as stated in the above definition to mean authentic, student centered learning experiences.
STEM Standards
STEM Opportunities, Funding, and Resources
Interested in participating in a STEM Teacher Externship? Check out the STEM Teacher Externship program through the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment here.
What is a STEM School? is a resource for identifying and measuring STEM schools and programs.
Information about STEM Diploma Endorsement
Documentary about Jamestown Flood by students from STEM in Action Grantee Boulder Valley School District.
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