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Graduation Guidelines Implementation Strategies
The section provides guidance and examples of Graduation Guidelines practices currently used in Colorado schools and districts. They represent a wide variety of practices across the state, including: rural, suburban, and urban areas; districts that range from small to large; public schools, and charter schools. This collection provides school professionals with real-life examples of Graduation Guidelines implementation strategies and practices that can be downloaded and adapted for use in your setting.
Guidance, Resources, and Promising Practices
View Guidance for English Learners, Gifted Students, and Students with Disabilities
Submit a Promising Practice
If you would like to submit examples of board policy, strategic plans, implementation plans or tools, please contact:
Robin Russel, CDE
Graduation Guidelines Manager
Jump to another section:
- District Policies (updating, please return soon!)
- Communication Tools
- Industry Certificates
- Students with Disabilities
- English Learners
- Strategic Plans
- Graduation Guidelines Summit, Oct 2017
PWR Symposia Resources, 2018-2020
Districts and schools have been meeting in small regional Symposia to discuss implementation strategies for Graduation Guidelines. Find guidance for Graduation Guidelines Menu items, sample district policies, CTE, ICAP, Work-Based Learning, practices, stories, videos, agendas, attendees, and other information
- Resources and Promising Practices: PWR Symposia, 2018-2020 (Google Drive)
- Contact Robin Russel if you would like to host a virtual PWR Symposium in your region.
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