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Not On Our Watch

Not on Our Watch offers six strategies readers themselves can implement: Raise Awareness, Raise Funds, Write a Letter, Call for Divestment, Start an Organization, and Lobby the Government. Each of these small actions can make a huge difference in the fate of a nation, and a people--not only in Darfur, but in other crisis zones such as Somalia, Congo, and northern Uganda.  ISBN -10: 1905379455

The Genocide in Darfur

Refugee camp across the border in Chad, March 2005.

Refugee camp across the border in Chad, March 2005.


Children recall their experiences with crayons and pencils while their parents were interviewed by aid workers.

Children recall their experiences with crayons and pencils while their parents were interviewed by aid workers.

About this Resource:

Type(s) of Resources: 
  • Non-fiction
  • Primary Source(s): 
  • None
  • Grade Level(s): 
  • 9-12
  • Audience(s): 
  • Community Member
  • Teacher and Student
  • Discipline(s): 
  • Language Arts
  • Social Studies