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State and National Organizations for Dance Educators

State Organizations and Partners for Dance Educators 

Colorado Dance Education Organization: a non-profit organization dedicated to promotoing and advocating for dance education in the state of Colorado. CoDEO provides the dance artist and dance educator a state and national network of resources and support, as well as access to program and projects that focus on the importance of dance in education. The purpose of the Colorado Dance Education Organization shall be to enrich the lives of the people of Colorado by supporting and promoting dance arts and arts performances through education, communication and advocacy.

Colorado Dance Education Organization Logo

Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance

A decorative logo of Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.

Colorado Creative Industries: Colorado Creative Industries (CCI) believes in the power of creativity to inspire human connections, create social change, and support economic vibrancy throughout Colorado. We focus on strengthing the vitality of visual, performing, and iiterary arts through promotion, resources, and funding opportunities. 

Colorado Creative Industries Logo

Think 360 ArtsA community that embraces the arts as a fundamental tool to enhance learning. 

A decorative Think 360 Arts logo.

National Organizations and Partners for Dance Education 

National Dance Education Association: a non-profit membership organization dedicated to advancing dance education centered in the arts for people of all backgrounds. NEDO provides dance artists, educators, and administrators of all backgrounds a network of resources and support, a base for advocacy and reseach, and access to professional development opportunities that focus on the importance of dance in the human experience.

A decorative National Dance Education Organization logo.

Society of Health and Physical Education Educators: serves as the voice for 200,000+ health and physical education professional across the United States.

A decorative logo for the Society of Health and Physical Educators.

National Honor Society for Dance Arts: The National Honor Society for Dance Arts™ (NHSDA) is a program of the National Dance Education Organization. 

A decorative logo for the National Honor Society for Dance Arts.

For additional assistance, please contact: 

Carla Aguilar, Ph.D (Interim)
Dance Arts Consultant
Drama and Theatre Arts Consultant