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Existing or Other Survey
Option 4: Existing or Other Survey
Description: This survey allows grantees to use an existing assessment to determine the effectiveness of the program; however, there are two required questions that must be asked of students:
- How frequently did the student perceive himself or herself to be a target of bullying?
- How frequently did the student witness bullying at his or her school?
Benefits: Schools have the option to use a survey that is already being used in the school.
Existing or Other Survey Procedures (Electronic Version):
- The grantee will follow all universal procedures.
- Confidentiality
- In accordance with 22-93-101 § C.R.S., grantees are not allowed to collect any personally identifiable information (PDF) when administering surveys to students. Personally identifiable information includes names, student ID numbers, or dates of birth.
- Opt In
- Grantees are required to implement an active opt in procedure for parents and students for any surveys used as part of the grant program. This includes ensuring students are knowledgeable that surveys are voluntary and not required.
- Confidentiality
- The grantee indicates a survey other than those listed above will be electronically administered to assess the effectiveness of the bullying prevention program when completing the RFP.
- The survey will include the two required questions listed above related to experiences of witnessing and victimization of bullying.
- As indicated in the Request for Proposal (RFP), progress made in reducing the frequency of bullying as indicated by school surveys and other relevant measures will be provided to the Department.
Existing or Other Survey Procedures (Paper-and-Pencil Version):
- The grantee will follow all universal procedures.
- Confidentiality
- In accordance with 22-93-101 § C.R.S., grantees are not allowed to collect any personally identifiable information (PDF) when administering surveys to students. Personally identifiable information includes names, student ID numbers, and dates of birth.
- Opt In
- Grantees are required to implement an active opt in procedure for parents and students for any surveys used as part of the grant program. This includes ensuring students are knowledgeable that surveys are voluntary and not required.
- Confidentiality
- The grantee indicates a survey other than those listed above using a paper-and-pencil procedure will be used to assess the effectiveness of the bullying prevention program when completing the RFP.
- The survey will include the two required questions listed above related to experiences of witnessing and victimization of bullying.
- As indicated in the RFP, progress made in reducing the frequency of bullying as indicated by school surveys and other relevant measures will be provided to the Department.
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