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Administrator Mentoring Cohort (AMC) and Induction Programs

The Colorado Charter School Program (CCSP) State Entities Grant ends on September 30, 2024, and as a result, CDE’s partnership with the Charter School Institute (CSI) in providing charter-specific support and principal induction through the Administrator Mentoring Cohort (AMC) and Principal and Administrator Induction Program will be paused during this transition phase.

During this period, we encourage interested individuals to explore professional development and induction opportunities offered through their districts. For details on your district's induction coordination, please contact the CDE's Educator Talent Office at ( We appreciate your understanding and flexibility as we work together for a smooth transition.


In addition to fulfilling a technical assistance requirement for our CCSP grant recipient schools, the AMC is a professional development program for charter school administrators.  The Principal and Administrator Induction Program is a supplemental professional development program apart of the AMC and is open to charter schools leaders including: CCSP sub-grantees. Charter school leaders who successfully complete the AMC induction program will be recommended for professional principal's licensure.

Beyond that, the AMC offers a great opportunity for professional development for established principals in Colorado's charter schools. Your voice can be a valuable asset to the conversation with new/new-to-charter-school leaders. The networking opportunity is invaluable, as you meet and connect with others who are doing the same great work within their schools. 

The AMC program utilizes the text Leverage Leadership, A Practical Guide to Building Exceptional Schools, by Paul Bambrick-Santoyo, to identify specific core ideas for charter leaders that directly support the following three goals:

  1. To provide charter leaders in start-up schools with quality support as they get their schools off the ground.
  2. For CCSP grant recipients, the AMC fulfills leadership training technical assistance requirements of the grant.
  3. To offer charter school leaders a 1-year induction program to validate their initial principal license in a way that is specifically designed to meet the unique needs and demands of the charter sector. Note: In order to be eligible for this induction program, school leaders must already hold their initial principal license and be working with an AMC approved mentor.

Requirements and Eligibility

There are six AMC trainings offered throughout each school year. There is no cost to participate in these trainings and any charter school leader who is interested may attend. 

Please note that school leaders do not need to be working at schools receiving CCSP grant funds or pursuing induction to participate in the AMC trainings. However, if you are participating in the AMC to fulfill CCSP grant technical assistance requirements or participating in the Principal and Administrator Induction program, the requirements for each of those programs has been outlined below.

Participation at ALL SIX AMC meetings is strongly encouraged to promote continued and thoughtful engagement. If a participant cannot attend an AMC session, participants must find comparable professional development opportunities that align with principal standards covered during the missed meeting or watch the missed AMC meeting recording. To document remediation, please provide a detailed reflection via the Smartsheet form linked below on what was learned and how it will be implemented to enhance your leadership practices.

Principal and Induction Program Requirements:

  • Must hold an initial principal license and currently working in a leadership role at a charter school with that license for at least one year.
  • Attend at least one training a year with your AMC approved mentor.
  • Fulfill 32 hours within one year.

CCSP Administrator Technical Assistance Requirements for 3-Year Grant Recipients

Grant Year Trainings Mentoring Hours
Planning Year    1 Encouraged. Please review the AMC Overview Recording.* 8-10
          Year 1 Implementation         6 Strongly Encouraged, 4 Required 25-32
Year 2 Implementation 6 Encouraged, 4 Required 20-25

* Planning Year CCSP Sub-grantees must document AMC Overview Recording requirement was meet via submission of a CCSP Grant Training Request Form.

CCSP Administrator Technical Assistance Requirements for 2-Year Grant Recipients

Grant Year Trainings      Mentoring Hours
                Year 1 Implementation                       6 Strongly Encouraged, 4 Required      20-25
Year 2 Implementation 6 Encouraged, 4 Required 32-42

AMC Training Dates

No training dates have been determined for the 2024-2025 school year. 


AMC & Principal/ Administrator Induction Program Document Submission Process Update

For the 2023-24 grant cycle, AMC & Principal/Administrator Induction Program documents including the participant agreement, individualized growth plan, and mentoring/reflection log will be submitted electronically via Smartsheet. Forms will be linked below and accessible below.

AMC Documentation 

  • CCSP Grant Training Request Form (Smartsheet Form) - To be used by planning year zero (0) CCSP Sub-grantees to document review of the AMC Program Overview Presentation.
  • AMC Remediation Form (Smartsheet Form) - This Smartsheet form will be completed to record your summary and reflections on missed AMC Meetings. For the 2023-24 school year, attendance at four AMC Meetings is required and attendance at six meetings are strongly encouraged.
  • Participant Agreement (DOC) - This document will be completed as a word doc to confirm participation in the AMC & Principal/ Administrator Program.
  • Participant Agreement (Smartsheet Form) - This Smartsheet form will be completed to specify participation in the AMC & Principal/ Administrator Program.
  • Individualized Growth Plan (DOC) - This document will be completed as a word doc to establish goals and actions steps for this year and guide you in your work with your mentor and uploaded into the Individualized Growth Plan Smartsheet form linked below.
  • Individualized Growth Plan Smartsheet Submission Form (Smartsheet Form)
  • Mentoring/Reflection Log Template (Excel Sheet) - This document will be completed as a word doc and uploaded into the Mentoring and Reflection Log Smartsheet form linked below.
  • Mentoring/Reflection Log Smartsheet Submission Form (Smartsheet Form) 

AMC Resources

Contact Information

If you have questions, please contact or Janyse Skalla at