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 PWR Practices


Practitioners from districts, schools, and organizations have submitted their promising practices for the PWR Playbook. Copy, adapt, and share them! Each practice strives to meet the following criteria:

  • Comprehensive, integrated, high quality, equitable
  • Whole teams are involved
  • Integrated through curriculum and grade levels
  • Shared responsibility
  • Evidence that the process is empowering to students
  • Easy to adopt/adapt
  • Aligned to Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) opportunities
  • Measurable

Searchable Database

This searchable database includes processes, implementation action steps, resources, and tools that schools and districts have developed 1) to create/refine their ICAP process and 2) to develop systems that empower students to own their ICAP process and achieve Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness.

Please contact Robin Russel to find out how to submit your practice(s).


District ICAP Process - D11

This flyer provides our stakeholders an overview of the ICAP progression from 6th grade through...

- Colorado Springs 11

District ICAP Process - DPS

ICAP curricula for grades 6-12 is managed by and housed on the...

- Denver Public Schools

District ICAP Process - Jeffco

A comprehensive district planning guide with scope and sequence by level, resources and partners...

- Jefferson County R-1

District ICAP Process - Mesa 51

Access Scope and Sequence and multiple activities in this...

- Mesa County Valley 51

District ICAP Process - Westminster

Each student in middle and high school creates a “comprehensive and meaningful” Future Plan (...

- Westminster Public Schools

ICAP website Heritage HS: What's Your Plan?

Heritage High School's ICAP website includes grade level instructions for the practices they use...

- Littleton 6

Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) - National and State Models

Learn from national and state experts about managing and promoting Individualized Learning Plans...

Interest Inventories and Aptitude Profiles

Access free resources to explore Interest Inventories, Aptitude Profiles, and Learning Styles/...

Internship Resources

The Colorado Education Initiative collected resources from and for businesses, schools, and...

Lesson Plans - Career Exploration - Elementary

Choose from lesson plans and activities that include stories, reading books, dress up, and...

- Las Animas RE-1
