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PWR Regional Training
Join your peers for a PWR Regional Training
Join the CDE Office of Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) and your peers from neighboring schools and districts to learn about updates to Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) rules and to workshop the integration of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) into ICAP.
Save the Dates for 24-25
- October 15: Southwest Region @ Durango
- October 30: Northwest and West Central Regions @ Glenwood Springs
- November 13: Southeast Region @ Lamar
- December 11: North Central and Northeast Regions @ Greeley
- January 14: Denver Metro Region
- February 4: Pikes Peak Region @ Colorado Springs
Registration for each event is not yet open, but you may sign up to receive updates and the link when registration opens. NOTE: Because these trainings will be truly regional, with a focus on the issues and strengths specific to each region, we ask that attendees choose the region closest to their school or place of work.
Contact Robin Russel for more information: 720.576.2902,
Find recordings and resources from ICAP & PWR showcases (2020-2023) HERE.
The PWR of ICAP through PWR Showcases
ICAP PWR Showcases have featured PWR Facilitators and ICAP Awardees statewide. Though we've recently changed the name to PWR Regional Tours, these events continue to highlight student and staff stories, show off their processes, and celebrate successes.
Access recordings, slides and resources from showcases
- Financial Aid for All. Aurora Public Schools brought information on Financial Literacy to elementary students by leveraging the talents of a local writer and entrepreneur. Brandon Wright, Student Engagement Coordinator with Aurora Public Schools, led the discussion and shared how a door-to-door visit turned into an opportunity to share a personal passion rooted in financial literacy. .
- The PWR of ICAP! Review the many ways that you can bring the PWR of ICAP into your schools, and into the lives of your students. Access the recording and slides, including successes, barriers, and solutions for ICAP - from the Oct 12 Showcase.
- Celebrating ICAP and Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) - Access the recording from the May 11th PWR Showcase.
- ICAP with Parents and Families - Learn about family engagement strategies from Jessica Read and the award-winning ICAP team from the Future Center in Westminster Public Schools, and the ICAP Blog, storybook project in elementary school, and new career & college podcast from Kristin Hefflon and the support services and parent engagement teams from St. Vrain Valley Schools. Access the recording from the April 13 PWR Showcase
- ICAP is Meaningful! Superintendent, Mike Bowers, staff and students from Lone Star Schools talked about their PoWeRful K-12 ICAP program called Adulting 101. First grade teacher, Michele Walker showed off Aurora Public Schools' award-winning elementary school curriculum, and PWR Coordinator, Brandon Wright connected the curriculum to the district’s strategic plan. Karen Irvine from Poudre Schools shared information about middle school experiential learning. Access the recording, slides, and resources from the March 9th PWR Showcase.
- ICAP and CTE.- Counselors, CTE teachers, and students from Mesa County Valley District 51 in Grand Junction talked about their PoWeRful ICAP, CTE, and experiential learning practices. Participants joined in conversations about promising practices with an informal panel of teachers, counselors and leaders from Calhan School District, Poudre High School, Heritage High School in Littleton, and Colorado's Finest in Englewood. Access the recording, slides and resources from the February 9th PWR Showcase.
Story Telling - 2020
Story Telling Sessions feature ICAP advocates and dignitaries, past and present. They talked about their role then, their role now, their belief about ICAP, and their advice. We also showcased the ICAP practices of a Colorado district or school.
Access all the dignitaries and their podcasts in the PWR Playbook
- January 14 - Dr. Scott Solberg, Tracy Thompson Walsh, Andy Tucker, Robin Russel
- February 11 - Dr. Rich Feller, Dr. Sarah Heath, Andrea Bolton, Eva Pugh, Mathew McClain
- March 10 - Louise March, Michelle Romero, Charles Dukes, Rudy Sanchez
- April 14 - Scott Stump, Dr. Paul Thayer, Jane Goff, Matt Gianneschi, Amy Baca-Oehlert, Gully Stanford, Misti Ruthven
- May 12 - Tammy Lawrence, Tracy Thompson Walsh, Jon Widmier, Sonya Sallak, Joanna Peters
Quotes from the Podcasts
"ICAP is nationally recognized for the quality of its career and future readiness implementation policies and is being replicated across the country." - Scott Solberg
"It is only fair and equitable that every student has the opportunity to create a thoughtful plan that is unique to them. Each student deserves to have meaningful conversations, rich experiences, and thoughtful reflections which shape and develop their current and future paths." - Tracy Thompson
Special guests:
- Scott Stump, Assistant Secretary for Career, Technical, and Adult Education, US Department of Education of Labor, former Assistant Provost of Colorado CTE and CCCS
- Gully Stanford, retired Director of Partnerships at College In Colorado, and former Colorado P-20 Alignment Director
- Dr. Scott Solberg, National Advocate for Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) and professor of Counseling at Boston University
- Misti Ruthven, Executive Director of Student Pathways at CDE
- Dr. Rich Feller, National Advocate for Career Development (NCDA), CSU Distinguished Teaching Scholar
- Dr. Matt Gianneschi, COO and Chief of Staff of Colorado Mountain College
- Dr. Paul Thayer, Special Advisor to the Provost at CSU, former Colorado P-20 Council Member,
- Tracy Thompson, School Counselor at Peak to Peak Charter, former CSCA President and ICAP Toolkit creator
- Jon Widmier, Coordinator of Social Emotional Behavior Services at Littleton Public Schools, former School Counselor
- Tammy Lawrence, Director of Counseling at Boulder Valley Schools, former School Counselor
- Robin Russel, Graduation Guidelines Manager at CDE
- Andy Tucker, Director of Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness at CDE, former school counselor
- Other dignitaries from the P20 Council, CAP4K initiative and the 2014 ICAP Toolkit team
PWR Playbook
This PWR Playbook is live!
- Access the PWR Playbook here, or on the navigation menu at the top, and right side of your screen.
- Consider applying for the 10th Anniversary ICAP Award.
- Check out PWR Practices submitted by your peers
- Send CDE your PWR practices, stories, videos, lesson plans, capstone frameworks, and other PWR successes:
- Robin Russel: or Lauren Jones:
*Tell us what you'd like to see on this page! Complete the Google Form or contact Robin Russel,
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