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Online and Blended Learning Resources


Resources for Authorizers and Online Schools & Programs    Resources for Teachers & Educators     

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Resources for Authorizers and Online Schools & Programs

October Count for Online Students:

  • School Auditing Office Student October Count Website
  • Student October Count Audit Resource Guide 2023 (PDF) - The 2023-24 Student October Count Audit Resource Guide supports the Student October Count data collection and subsequent audit, summarizes state and federal requirements regarding the audit process, and summarizes the required documentation necessary to audit per pupil funding eligibility. 
  • Sample of Colorado Residency with Instructions (PDF) - The Affidavit of Colorado Residency template is an example of valid documentation for establishing proof of residency for an online student, per 1 CCR 301-71 8.06.4. As stated in 1 CCR 301-71 8.06, "an Online Program must verify and document student residency in the State of Colorado upon enrollment and annually thereafter and retain a copy of the document or written statement offered as verification in the student’s mandatory permanent record."

Authorizer Assurances for Online Schools and Programs:

Successor School Guidance

  • Senate Bill 19-129, titled, the Regulation of Online Schools calls for the CDE to develop criteria to determine whether a newly authorized multi-district online school is a new multi-district online school or a successor to a previously authorized multi-district online school. 
    • A successor school is “an online school that is a replication, addition, division, or reorganization of an existing or previously authorized online school as determined by the criteria adopted by the Department.” (1 CCR 301-71, Rule 2.16) 
    • A successor school inherits the accountability history of its predecessor, if the predecessor school was on performance watch under the Accountability Act. (§ 22-30.7-105(2)(d), C.R.S.) 
    • If the predecessor school was closed by order of the State Board under the Accountability Act, it or its successor school must reapply for certification before operating again. 
  • Successor School Departmental Criteria is as follows:
    1. When a newly authorized multi-district online school is reviewed by the department, a newly authorized multi-district online school may be considered a successor school under the following conditions:
      • The newly authorized multi-district online school has two or more of the following characteristics as its predecessor:
        • The school has 25% or more of the same board membership if the school is a charter school;
        • The school has the same principal, assistant principal, or chief executive.
        • The school has the same educational service provider and/or same digital curriculum provider even if such provider changes its name
      • The purpose of the successor school review of such a school is to determine whether the accountability history for an existing multi-district online school that is on performance watch should follow to the newly authorized school or to determine whether the school is a successor of a school that was closed by order of the State Board.
    2.  A school code on performance watch will stay on performance watch regardless of whether the criteria of the school (as outlined in #1) are changed. 
    3. Outside of the review described in #1, an existing multi-district online school that merges previous school codes into one or separates an existing school code into several will automatically have the new school code or codes deemed as a successor school or schools for the purpose of extending the performance watch history of the predecessor school to the applicable successor schools. A school code on performance watch will stay on performance watch regardless of whether the criteria of the school (as outlined in #1) are changed.  
  • Newly authorized multi-district online schools and existing online schools seeking school code change requests will be evaluated according to these criteria as is applicable to their circumstance. If it is determined that a newly authorized online school is a successor school, the Authorizer of the online school may appeal the decision to the State Board of Education by substantially following the Request for Reconsideration appeal process outlined in 1 CCR 301-1, Rule 5.11.
  • Stakeholder Feedback and Previous Draft Versions of Guidance is available:

Online Student Attendance:

  • Online Attendance Guide (PDF) is a resource on the CDE Data Pipeline Snapshots Website regarding attendance tracking requirements for online students in Colorado per 1 CCR-301-78. Noted within are potential methods of tracking attendance based on 1) Minimum login time requirements; 2) Specific task completion for a given time, or 3) Minimum lesson/unit completion requirements. Any questions regarding this guide should be directed to CDE OBL at

Student Placement:

  • ECEA Rule Changes - Fact Sheet (PDF) is a resource from the CDE Exceptional Student Services Unit (ESSU) regarding placement in schools of choice for Special Education students pursuant to the Exceptional Children's Education Act (ECEA), 1 CCR-301-8 that went into effect in June 2022. Any questions regarding this fact sheet resource should be directed to CDE ESSU at

Resources for Teachers & Educators

Quality Standards:

  • CO Quality Standards for Online Schools and Programs (PDF) - Within the Rules for the Administration and Oversight of Colorado Online Programs and on the multi-district application as a checklist, these Quality Standards are statutory based and were established to provide evaluation criteria guidance and best practices in operations of multi-district online schools in Colorado.
  • The National Standards for Quality Online Learning – Separate from CDE’s Colorado Quality Standards, NSQ provides national standards for quality online courses, programs, and teaching as a competency framework and benchmark for online programs, districts, and state agencies to consider.
  • The International Society for Technology in Education Standards – Separate from CDE’s Colorado Quality Standards, ISTE provides international standards for educators as a roadmap to help students become empowered learners, deepen your practice, promote peer collaboration, and rethink traditional approaches.

Open Educational Resources:

  • OERColorado is a Colorado Empowered Learning (CEL) initiative that provides digital collections of openly licensed resources. Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute (C.R.S. § 22-5-119) and reinforced by the pandemic, Colorado's statewide supplemental and blended learning program ensures public access to a digital repository of content and resources for PreK-12 Colorado educators, administrators, and other educational stakeholders in using OER (Open Educational Resources) materials, sharing ideas, and creating high-quality learning resources.​ Please note that the OERColorado Hub and OERColorado Microsite are administered by and hosted on a third party site. The site is subject to its own terms of use and privacy policies. For more information and any questions, contact the OERColorado Team at For information about OER in Colorado Higher Education, visit the Colorado Department of Education's OER page.

Professional Development:

  • CDE Calendar of Events and Conferences provides links to meetings, workshops, conferences, etc. and lists deadlines and other key dates from CDE staff.
  • CDE Professional Development provides a comprehensive search tool for Colorado Department of Education-hosted professional development opportunities. 
  • University of Colorado at Denver School of Education and Human Development offers an online teaching certificate program designed for current & aspiring online teachers. Contact Laura Summers at for more information.
  • Western State Colorado University offers the following Online Professional Development and Degree Options: K12 Online Teacher EndorsementsK12 Online Teacher Courses, and Master's Degree, with Emphasis in K12 Online Teaching
  • Colorado State University-Global Campus offers an Online Teaching Certificate for continuing professional development and an Online Teacher Master's Degree Specialization Option.
  • Boise State University offers professional development in the area of Online Teaching delivered in an online format. Options are available to earn credits toward teacher license renewal, an online teaching certificate, or toward the educational technology graduate program. They also offer Online Teaching Strategies as a comprehensive website designed specifically for online teachers. For more information contact Kerry Rice at
  • PBS TeacherLine is a premier professional development resource offering standards-based, graduate-level online courses for PreK-12 teachers. Trained, certified facilitators lead more than 130 top-quality, six-week courses that span the entire curriculum including early literacy skills, inquiry-based science and supporting English language learners. Teachers earn graduate credit or recertification hours while gaining strategies and resources to bring directly to their classroom.
  • Colorado iLearn Collaborative (ILC) is a collaboration of districts and schools working together to expand quality blended and online learning opportunities accessible to all students. ILC offers direct support and resources to districts, schools, and teachers in the areas of professional development & training, access to student online content, and consulting services focused on implementing blended and online learning.

Additional Resources:

  • eNetLearning provides educators access to high quality content and resources to improve student achievement. Resources include DREAM, an open repository of free and fee-based searchable digital content aligned to Colorado Academic Standards; iTunesU, a free media distribution portal that enables the creation and sharing of educational content and professional development opportunities.
  • National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) providers educators access to resources for virtual instruction and online learning including a video library, books, blog posts, articles, activities, and resources from other education organizations. 

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Resources for Parents & Students

Colorado Organizations:

Internet Safety Websites:

  • is a leading interactive resource on the web for parents, teens, educators – everyone engaged and interested in youth safety – on the fixed and mobile social Web.
  • is a public service brought to you by internet industry corporations and public interest organizations to help ensure that Internet users have safe, constructive, and educational or entertaining online experiences.
  • tracks global trends and issues surrounding digitally connected products and their affect on children. This research drives the continuous creation of positive resources for parents, educators and policymakers who teach youths how to use new media devices and platforms in safe and healthy ways.
  • is an interactive, educational program of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) that provides age-appropriate resources to help teach children how to be safer on- and offline. The program is designed for children ages 5-17, parents and guardians, educators, and law enforcement.
  • Understanding A Child's Virtual World from Incredible Internet is a handbook for parents and guardians: Understanding A Child's Virtual World in English language (PDF) and Understanding A Child's Virtual World in Spanish language (PDF)

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Resources for School Districts

Remote Learning Flexibilities for 2022-2023:

  • The Colorado Department of Education recently received questions from schools and districts about flexibilities for remote learning due to COVID-19 in 2022-23. Starting this school year:
  • The Department will continue to offer flexibility for districts to provide temporary remote learning options as a result of COVID-19 health concerns.
  • The Department will discontinue flexibilities for districts to provide 100% remote learning options to students enrolled in brick-and-mortar schools due to COVID-19.
  • “Temporary remote learning” flexibility means that there may be local needs for brick and mortar schools to temporarily suspend in-person learning due to COVID in the 2022-23 school year. This may include the need to temporarily move a classroom, a grade level, or the school to remote learning. It may also result from workforce shortages due to a COVID-19 outbreak. A school or district may need to temporarily move to remote learning in these instances for a short period of time (i.e. the rest of the week/two weeks). When a school/district suspends in-person learning in this way, it will continue to be important that the school/district has the appropriate plan and policies in place to account for a transition to remote learning. The existing guidance document for temporary remote learning can be used to help inform a school’s/district’s planning for next year to ensure it has the appropriate policies/plan in place.
  • The Department will not continue offering flexibility to provide a 100% remote learning option due to COVID-19 health concerns for brick-and-mortar students in 2022-23. As an alternative, schools and districts may use existing online structures to continue to offer a fully-remote option for students. State law allows schools and districts to offer single-district online schools (no cap on in-district students, but does cap enrollment for out-of-district students at 10), single-district online programs (can enroll up to 99 students and caps enrollment for out-of-district students at 10), and multi-district online schools (no caps on enrollment for either in-district or out-of-district students so long as students are residents of the state). Thus, beginning in 2022-23, students who wish to pursue a fully remote learning option will need to be enrolled in either an online school or online program.

For information about more permanent online options, please visit the Single District Online School and Program webpage.

EdTech Systems Guide:

Hybrid Learning Guide:

  • The Hybrid Learning Guide was developed to aid in the planning and implementation of hybrid models as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The guide is designed for Colorado schools that may find themselves needing to transition to a Hybrid Learning model for instruction during the 2020-21 school year as a response to COVID-19 and those schools that are planning to use any form of remote learning. For more information about the development of the guide, visit the Summary of Work webpage.
  • The Office Online and Blended Learning hosted a webinar to introduce the 2020 Hybrid Learning Guide: August 14, 2020 Webinar Recording

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