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Data and Publications

Online Data Snapshot 

Online Data  

Online Student Mobility Reports

SB 19-129 calls for the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) to produce an annual report on the number of students who withdraw from Colorado K-12 online schools after the pupil enrollment count date. The 2022 Student Mobility in K-12 Online Schools is expected for publishing in Summer 2023.

Online Summary Reports

Previous to HB 11-1277, all online programs were required by statute to submit a report annually to CDE. The Office of Online and Blended Learning (OBL) is now required to prepare a summary report on Online Programs every five years with the next report due in 2024. 

Previous Reports


October 2012

A Study of ONLINE LEARNING: Perspectives of Online Learners and Educators (PDF) 

In 2012, CDE asked the Center for Education Policy Analysis in the Buechner Institute for Governance, University of Colorado Denver to conduct a study to gain a better understanding of online learning and previous experiences in brick and mortar classrooms from the perspective of high school students and parents of students in grades K-12.

Characteristics of Colorado's Online Students (PDF) 

This study utilizes CDE collected data to analyze demographics, trends, and performance in online schools over time. It includes assessment, pupil enrollment, demographic and socioeconomic data collected from 2003 through 2011, as this is both the earliest and most recent data available from CDE at the student level.

July 2012

Blended Learning in Rural Colorado: Status and Strategies for Expansion (PDF) 

In 2012, CDE asked Evergreen Education Group in Durango to conduct research that would help CDE to understand how best to support the expansion of quality educational options to students across Colorado, especially in rural areas. The report shares best practices and findings from interviews and surveys of rural leaders across Colorado about the barriers to blended learning in rural areas. The report also includes the opportunities in the short and long-term to bring more quality content and educators to rural Colorado through a mix of online and face-to-face learning.