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Single District Online Schools and Programs
2024-25 Information for Single District Online Programs and Schools:
The Office of Online and Blended Learning no longer formally recognizes or approves single district online programs and schools. A district does not need to apply to the Office of Online and Blended Learning to operate a single district online program or school. Those school districts who wish to open an online program for the 2024-25 school year are asked to notify the Office of Online and Blended Learning by June 30, 2024.
A single district online program is defined in statute as:
A full-time education program authorized pursuant to Title 22 of the Colorado Revised Statutes that delivers a sequential program of synchronous or asynchronous instruction directed by a teacher primarily through online digital learning strategies that provide students choice over time, place, and path, and teacher-guided modality of learning. "Online Program" does not include a supplemental program. Accountability for each student in an online program is attributed back to a designated school that houses the online program. An Online Program with one hundred or more students is an Online School and not an Online Program.
A single district online school is defined in statute as:
A full-time, education school authorized pursuant to Title22 of the Colorado Revised Statutes that delivers a sequential program of synchronous or asynchronous instruction directed by a teacher primarily through online digital learning strategies that provide students choice over time, place, and path, and teacher- guided modality of learning. An Online School has an assigned school code and operates with its own administrator, a separate budget, and a complete instructional program. An Online School is responsible for fulfilling all reporting requirements and is held to state and federally mandated accountability processes.
All single district online programs and schools must still submit Authorizer Assurances at least two weeks before the first day of the Student October Count window. Statute and rule require this verification of students’ attendance and participation. Failure to submit Authorizer Assurances on time may have implications for future pupil count audits, which may result in funding consequences for the district.
As part of the Authorizer Assurances form, the authorizer must submit local board-approved policies that establish, and documentation that describes, student enrollment, attendance, and participation in educational activities. The Assurances and attachments must be updated as the authorizer’s practices develop. The Office of Online and Blended Learning encourages all authorizers to work with their local boards to update their policies to address online learning through established schools and programs.
For more information about funded pupil count requirements for Online Schools and Programs, refer to the Student October Count Audit Resource Guide on CDE's School Auditing webpage.
Important Reminders:
Districts that wish to operate a single district online school must apply for a school code and operate with its own administrator, separate budget, and a complete instructional program.
An online school is responsible for all state and federal reporting requirements and accountability processes. Any online program with one hundred or more students shall be considered an online school.
An online school or program may not enroll more than 10 out-of-district students. If a school wishes to serve more out-of-district students than 10, it should pursue certification as a Multi-district Online school.
All online programs and schools must meet or exceed the Colorado State Board of Education’s Quality Standards for Online Schools and Programs, found at Rule 3.02 of the State Board’s rules for online programs.
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