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Renewal Applicant

Professional License Renewal

A valid professional license may be renewed every five years with an equivalent of six semester hours of credit from an accepted, regionally accredited college or university, which may include up to 90 clock hours of professional development earned during the validity (from the issuance date to the expiration date) of your professional license. Accepted renewal activities include: in-service education, college/university coursework, involvement in school reform, internships, travel, and ongoing professional development.

Additional information can also be found on the application checklist. Please be aware that the checklist is only for reference and is not an application for licensure.

Frequently Asked Questions About Professional License Renewal

Initial (formerly Provisional) License Renewal

An initial license is valid for three years and may be renewed only once. Per state statute if the applicant has not been able to complete an approved induction program through a Colorado school district or BOCES, an applicant may be able to renew a third or subsequent time. In this case, the applicant will be required to submit evidence indicating why they have been unable to complete an induction program. Renewal credit is not required.

Frequently Asked Questions About Initial License Renewal

Convert Initial License to a Professional License

A professional license may be issued to an applicant who holds a Colorado initial license and has completed a Colorado State Board of Education approved induction program. An induction program is provided by Colorado school districts, some private and charter schools, approved facilities and/or BOCES and includes supervision by mentor teachers, ongoing professional development and training, including ethics, and performance evaluations. Contact the school principal or the district's Personnel/Human Resources office for information about an approved induction program.

The only requirement to move from an initial license to a professional license is completion of an induction program. It is not necessary to complete renewal credit.

Frequently Asked Questions About Converting Initial License to a Professional License

One-Year Interim Authorization Renewal

An Interim Authorization is issued to an out-of-state applicant (teacher, principal, and administrator) who does not meet the minimum requirements to be issued an initial license. The Interim Authorization is issued for one year and is renewable only one time.

Frequently Asked Questions About One-Year Interim Authorization Renewal

5-Year and 3-Year Substitute Authorization Renewal

The 5-year and 3-year substitute authorizations can be renewed by submitting a new authorization application within 6 months prior to the authorization expiration date.

Note: For out-of-state licensed teachers applying to renew their Colorado 5-year substitute authorization, the out-of-state teaching license must be current at the time of renewal.

Frequently Asked Questions About 5-Year and 3-Year Substitute Authorization Renewal

1-Year Substitute Authorization Renewal

A one-year substitute authorization can be renewed by submitting a new 1-year substitute authorization application within 6 months of expiration or if it has already expired.

Frequently Asked Questions About 1-Year Substitute Authorization Renewal

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