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Renewal of a Colorado Initial license

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is an approved induction program?

  2. Is renewal credit required for the renewal of an initial license?

  3. Can I renew my initial license more than once?

  4. When should I submit a renewal application?

  5. Can I renew my initial license after it has expired?

  6. I work in a private school. Am I able to complete an approved induction program through my private school?

  7. I hold more than one initial license. Am I required to fill out two applications when renewing both of them?

  8. Can I complete an induction program in another state?

  9. What if my license is expired?



1. What is an approved induction program?

It is a program provided by Colorado school districts, charter schools or BOCES  and includes supervision by mentor teachers, ongoing professional development, ethics training and performance evaluations. A school's principal or the district's personnel/human resources office can provide more information about their particular induction program.

2. Is renewal credit required for the renewal of an initial license?

No, you are only required to submit a renewal application and an evaluation fee. You will also be required to provide a "statement of good cause" as to why you were unable to complete and induction program and require an initial teacher license renewal.

3. Can I renew my initial license more than once?

Yes, you may renew your initial license more than once if you have not completed a Colorado State Board of Education-approved induction program.

4. When should I submit a renewal application?

A renewal application should be submitted no sooner than 6 months from the date of expiration. Any renewal application submitted sooner will not be processed, requiring you to reapply within the 6-month window and pay an additional application fee.

5. Can I renew my initial license after it has expired?

Yes, you can renew an expired initial license by submitting a renewal application. However, the new effective date will be based upon the date the renewal application is submission, and you may need to meet additional endorsement requirements.

6. I work in a private school. Am I able to complete an approved induction program through my private school?

Yes, if your private school offers an approved induction program. Contact your human resources office for more information.

7. I hold more than one initial license. Am I required to fill out two applications when renewing both of them?

Yes, you will have to complete two separate online applications and you will be required to pay an evaluation fee for each license that you are renewing.

8. Can I complete an induction program in another state?

No, the induction program must be approved by the Colorado State Board of Education and completed through an approved Colorado school district, BOCES, or charter school.

9. What if my license is expired?

You will complete the same Renewal of Initial application. All expired licenses must meet current law and rule to be renewed.



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