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Curriculum Support - Music

Welcome to the arts curriculum and instruction page. Here you will find resources for all arts content- dance, drama and theatre arts, music, and visual arts. The resources listed below have been developed through the Colorado Department of Education. Additional resources are available for your reference and/or use under the “additional curriculum support resources” link and are not specifically endorsed by the Colorado Department of Education.

This page contains supports designed to assist in the development of standards based curriculum resources for arts education. Supportive resources are separated in three section:

Colorado's District Sample Curriculum Project:

For the past two years,  the Standards and Instructional support team has been working with educators across the state of Colorado to build curriculum support resources for the successful implementation of the Colorado Academic Standards. To date, 116 school districts have participated in the authoring and/or refining of the processes and products of the Colorado District Sample Curriculum Project.

The Project, whose origins and goals are firmly grounded in standards-support requests from Colorado educators, has three main phases:

Phase I – Curriculum Overview Samples (Fall 2012) Colorado educators worked with fellow educators and the Standards and Instructional Support team in grade level and content area teams to engage in process of translating Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) into curriculum overview samples.

Phase II – (Area) Refining Workshops (Spring 2013) Colorado educators, in area workshops across the state, provided feedback on the Project, the curriculum overview samples, and the future work of the Project (i.e., Phase III).

Phase III – Instructional Unit Samples (Fall 2013-Winter 2014) Colorado educators worked with fellow educators and the Standards and Instructional Support team to build units based on select curriculum overview samples. In three-day workshops, district-teams of general education, special education, ELL, and gifted and talented educators/specialists worked together to plan for the instruction of all students.

Arts Integration and Title Programming Resources

With the current educational focus on 21st century skills and Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness, it is imperative to identify key benefits and constraints of arts integration models within Title I programming. The following documents provide information related to the Arizona case study for Title and Arts programming, share the benefits of arts education, identify the alignment between arts programming and Title requirements and review downloadable resources available for arts integration planning within Title I schools.

2010 Title I and Arts Education Resources

In addition to the Colorado resources above developed in 2010, please consider the following valuable documents:

Curriculum Design Tools:


For website assistance in Music, please contact Carla Aguilar