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Estimated Number of TREP Program Participants

2025-26 Estimated Number of TREP Program Participants Intent to Participate (ITP) – Due November 13, 2024

Blue monthly calendar with an exclamation mark indicating important date

If your school district is planning to participate in the TREP program next year, please complete the 2025-26 Estimated Number of TREP Program Participants Intent to Participate (ITP) web form below. The deadline to submit is November 13, 2024.


Submit ITP

Per C.R.S. 22-235-108.5 (2) (b) (I): "The department, as part of its annual budget request to the general assembly, shall report the total number of potential TREP program participants for the following school year."

**Please note that the number you submit is only an estimate. The estimated total number reported will assist the Joint Budget Committee in calculating appropriations for the 2025-26 school year.