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Graduation Guidelines Menu of Options - Availability for Spring 2021
Spring 2021 Graduation Readiness Options
Districts may consider using one or more of these options to allow students to show readiness for graduation in 2021.
Please see Flexibility for the Class of 2021. Consider also linking to the Toolkit for Planning the 2020-21 School Year.
Measures |
Status |
Websites |
Please reach out to your partnering institution for questions about how to take an ACCUPLACER test at this time. |
Many Colorado testing centers are administering the ACT in February, April, June, and July 2021, depending on “guidance from the CDC, state governments, and local public health guidelines. Please review current testing information at |
ACT WorkKeys |
Students can test when they return to school, and/or when the local Workforce Center is open. |
Advanced Placement (AP) |
The 2021 AP Exams are scheduled for May 3 - June 11, 2021. There are paper and pencil options and digital options; LEAs must choose from three posssible "Administration" dates. See AP Central 2021 Exam Dates (PDF). |
Student ASVAB testing has resumed, as schools open for in-person learning. |
Concurrent Enrollment |
Local Education Providers (LEPs) should work with their higher education partners to determine how the institution plans to offer courses. Most classes are available online, and some college courses will be open to students on site. |
District Capstone |
Because this measure is district-determined, students can work on their capstone projects, portfolios, and/or presentations individually and, if available, digitally. |
Industry Certificate |
Many Industry Certificate programs are available for students in Spring 2021. Please find a list of online programs here. Consider applying for the Career Development Incentive Program for approved Industry Certificates and programs. Please see a list of approved programs and industry certifications available online here. The intent to participate is due March 2021. |
International Baccalaureate (IB) |
The Spring 2021 IB examinations are scheduled for April 29 – May 21. “The IB will continue to update schools with timely guidance ahead of the May 2021 session. Please check back regularly for updates.” |
The spring SAT test date for 11th graders has been set for April 13, 2021, with the make-up administration on April 27 and May 18. Find out more information on the CDE assessment website for SAT and PSAT. And check the SAT website for other local testing dates. |
Collaboratively developed, standards-based performance assessments |
CDE and educators across the state have formed a Professional Learning Community focused on cultivating strong performance assessment practices. Participants will use a scoring platform to facilitate statewide scoring collaboration of the teacher developed performance assessments. The PLC is in place for the 2020-2021 school year. Please contact Angela Landrum to find out more about the Performance Assessments and/or to join the PLC. |
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