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State and National Organizations for Visual Arts Educators

State Organizations and Partners for Visual Arts Education 

Colorado Arts Education Association: The mission of CAEA is to strengthen, advance and promote the vital role of visual arts education in the State of Colorado.

Colorado Arts Education Association Logo 

Colorado Creative Industries: Colorado Creative Industries (CCI) believes in the power of creativity to inspire human connections, create social change, and support economic vibrancy throughout Colorado. We focus on strengthing the vitality of visual, performing, and iiterary arts through promotion, resources, and funding opportunities. 

Colorado Creative Industries Logo

Think 360 ArtsA community that embraces the arts as a fundamental tool to enhance learning. 

Think 360 Arts Logo

National Organizations and Partners for Visual Arts Education 

National Arts Education Association: The National Arts Education Association (NAEA) champions creative growth and innovation by equitably advancing the tools and resources for a high-quality visual arts, design, and media arts education throughout diverse populations and communities of practice. 

National Arts Education Association

National Arts Honor Soceity: Make visual arts more visible at your middle school or high school. 

National Art Honor Societies logo

For additional assistance, please contact: 

Lindsay Latva
Visual Arts Consultant