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Digital Portfolios
Digital Portfolios
Digital Portfolios are a way for students to take ownership of their learning and mastery of a skill and/or subject, as well as reflect on where their strengths lie and how those strengths could translate to the Postsecondary world. They are fully editable and students may share their work safely with educators, parents, and potential employers.
ANYONE can use Portfolios-- young, old, and each person in between! Because they are fully customizable, Districts and Schools can include what they need and leave out what they don't. Possibilities with portfolios are endless.
Students develop their own digital portfolio through this Google Site which includes resources for students and teachers, lesson plans, professional development. and links to many resources.
OTHER ICAP PRACTICES related to Digital Portfolios in D49:
- Scope and Sequence for ICAP Development for 9th grade - Sample weekly advisory
- Creating a Student’s Personal Bio/Statement -Biographical Information Questionnaire and Sample Bio Statement (to use w/students)
- Applying For a Job Slides Presentation -Sample Job Application
- Resume Building Slides Presentation -Sample Resume (Template)
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