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Interstate Compact for Military Children

What Parents, Schools, and Administrators Should Know

View detailed information about the Interstate Compact, including who is covered, data that should be provided, the school's responsibilities, and more.


Colorado has been part of the Interstate Compact for Military Children since 2008, one of the first eleven states to join. As of 2014, all 50 states and the District of Columbia have joined together to assist military dependents and their families deal with some of the challenges they face with the frequent transitions they experience through deployments and change of duty stations.

District Responsibility

Most districts have students that are covered by the Compact since it includes students whose parents are active uniformed service or active duty National Guard and Reserve. Because of this, superintendents and district staff have a legal responsibility to implement the Compact.

Our military families make so many sacrifices and we owe it to them to properly administer the Compact. It is the law but more importantly it is the right thing to do. At a minimum, please add a link on your school and district websites to the Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission (MIC3) website so parents that search "Interstate Compact" will be directed to the appropriate site.



If you have any questions, please contact:

Keith Owen
Interstate Compact Colorado Commissioner

Christina Monaco
Executive Director of Field Services, Colorado Department of Education