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Colorado Career Cluster Model 2022 Alternative Text
Colorado Career Cluster Model
updated December 2022
Logos at top of page: Colorado CTE logo and Colorado Community College System logo
In the center of the model:
A center circle that reads: Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR)
- Communicator: media literacy, digital literacy, data literacy, interpersonal communications
- Problem Solver: critical thinking and analysis, collaboration and teamwork, creativity and innovation, adaptability and flexibility
- Community Member: civic engagement, global and cultural awareness, social awareness
- Empowered Individual: self-awareness, self-management, perseverance and resilience, self-advocacy and initiative, career awareness
ICAP (Individual Career and Academic Plan) logo
The center circle has an outer ring that reads: Alternative Cooperative Education (ACE)
Begin career clusters:
From this center circle, six career clusters branch out as follows. A * means a STEM-affiliated pathway.
Cluster 1: Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Energy
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
- Animal Science*
- Agribusiness Systems
- Food Products and Processing Systems*
- Natural Resource and Environmental Systems*
- Plant Science*
- Power, Structural, and Technical Systems*
- Electromechanical Generation and Maintenance*
- Electrical Energy Transmission and Distribution*
- Energy Efficiency and Environmental Technology*
- Fossil Energy Extraction, Processing, and Distribution*
- Renewable Energy Production*
Outdoor Recreational Leadership
(logo of Colorado Future Farmers of America, the related Career and Technical Student Organization)
Cluster 2: Engineering, Technology, and Media Arts
Engineering Technology
- Engineering Design*
- Electricity and Electronics*
- Applied Engineering Principles, and Design*
- Robotics and Automated Systems*
- Computer Science*
- Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing*
Media Arts
- Design and Multimedia Arts*
- Graphic Design and Illustration*
- Animation*
- Commercial Photography*
- Digital Media and Communications*
- Audio Video Production*
- Digital Design*
- Online and Print Media*
- Production and Manager(s) Arts*
- Sound Engineering and Design*
- Stage Production Management*
- Set Design*
Computer and Digital Technologies
- Coding*
- Mobile App Development*
- Game Design*
- Network Systems and Security*
- Web Design*
- Web Development and Digital Communication*
(logos of the related Career and Technical Student Organizations: Technology Student Association, Skills USA: technical, skilled, and service careers, and Future Business Leaders of America)
Cluster 3: Skilled Trades and Technical Sciences
Architecture and Construction
- Construction
- Design and Pre-Construction*
- Maintenance and Operations
- Health, Safety, and Environmental Assurance
- Logistics and Inventory Control
- Manufacturing Production
- Maintenance, Installation, and Repair
- Production/Process Technology*
- Quality Assurance
Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
- Facility and Mobile Equipment Maintenance
- Health, Safety, and Environmental Management
- Logistics, Planning, and Management Services
- Planning, Management, and Regulation
- Sales and Service
- Transportation Operations
- Transportation/Systems Infrastructure
- Warehousing and Distribution Center Operations
(logos of the related Career and Technical Student Organizations: Technology Student Association and Skills USA: technical, skilled, and service careers.)
Cluster 4: Health Science, Criminal Justice, and Public Safety
Criminal Justice and Public Safety
- Emergency Management Services
- Law Enforcement Services
- Fire Science
- Security and Protective Services
Health Science
- Biotechnology*
- Diagnostic Services*
- Pharmacy Technician*
- Medical/Clinical Assistant*
- Therapeutic Services
- Dental Assistant*
- Behavior Health
- Emergency Medical Technician*
- Nurse Assistant/Aide*
- Sports medicine
- Personal Trainer
- OT/PT Assisting/Aide
(logos of the related Career and Technical Student Organizations: HOSA: Future Health Professionals, and Skills USA: technical, skilled, and service careers)
Cluster 5: Hospitality, Human Services, and Education (+)
Hospitality and Food Production
- Lodging
- Recreation, Amusements, and Attractions
- Restaurants, Food, and Beverage Services
- Travel and Tourism
Human Services
- Consumer Services
- Counseling and Mental Health Services
- Early Childhood Development
- Family and Community Services
- Personal Care Services
- Social Work
- Human Development and Family Studies
Education and Training
- Administration and Administrative Support
- Professional Support Services
- Teaching and Training
+FACS Core and World of Work (WOW)
(logos of the related Career and Technical Student Organization: FCCLA: Family, Career and Community Leaders of America)
Cluster 6: Business, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Finance, and Public Administration
Management and Administration
- Administrative Services
- Business Information Technology
- Corporate/General management
- Human Resource Management
- Operations Management
- Digital marketing
- Marketing Communications
- Marketing Management
- Marketing Research
- Merchandising
- Professional Sales/Sales Management
- Accounting
- Banking Services
- Corporate Finance
- Insurance
- Securities and Investments
Government and Public Administration
- Foreign Service
- Governance
- Legal Services
- Planning
- Public Management and Administration
- Regulation
- Revenue and Taxation
(logos of the related Career and Technical Student Organizations: DECA: Marketing, and FBLA: Future Business Leaders of America)
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