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Non-Public Schools


The data will be used to generate a count of non-public school students in the state of Colorado. C.R.S. 22-1-114 allows Colorado's public school districts to collect, no more than once per month, certain information from non-public schools located within their districts in order to meet their responsibilities for the compulsory attendance of eligible children.

Key Dates

October 2, 2024 - December 6, 2024

Identity Management Groups


File Layout and Definitions

Business Rules

  • No Business Rules


Non-Public School Fall Count Form 

2024-24 Fall Non-Public Enrollment Count   Wednesday, Oct. 2nd through Monday, December 2nd. 

Click on the NPS Fall Count Form Link for directions for the Non-Public School reporting and the directions for the School District Directory Count Respondent

Non-Public School Code Changes

New Non-Public School Code Request

Please complete the online form to request a new code for a non-public school:

Non-Public School Code Request Form

School Closures

Email Jessica Tribbett at to let her know that a non-public school has been closed. Please include the school name and code.

Additional Links

For additional information, please contact