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Title II, Part A: High Quality Teachers and Principals
Additional Information
Title II, Part A is intended to increase student academic achievement by improving teacher and principal quality. This includes increasing the number of Highly Qualified teachers in classrooms, improving the skills of principals and assistant principals in schools, and increasing the effectiveness of teachers and principals.
Title II activities:
- Recruiting, Hiring, and Retaining Highly Qualified Teachers and Principals
- Programs and activities designed to improve the quality of the teaching force
- Teacher advancement initiatives that emphasize multiple career paths and pay differentiation.
- Professional development activities that improve the knowledge of teachers, principals and superintendents
Program Requirements
- Assess local needs for professional development and hiring (with teacher involvement).
- Clearly connect identified needs and Title II, Part A activities, which must be:
- Aligned with state academic content standards and student academic achievement standards.
- Scientifically based.
- Designed to have substantial, measurable, and positive impact on student achievement and used as part of a broader strategy to eliminate the achievement gap.
- Target funds to schools that have at least one of the following:
- Lowest proportion of highly qualified teachers.
- Largest average class size.
- Priority Improvement or Turnaround Plan type assignments.
- Design a professional development plan that addresses the needs of teachers and principals.
- Ensure that teachers, paraprofessionals, principals, other relevant school (including charters) personnel, and parents collaborate in planning Title II, Part A activities.
- Use Title II, Part A funds to get core content teachers and Title I paraprofessionals highly qualified, if necessary.
- Ensure that poor and minority children are not taught at higher rates than other children by inexperienced, unqualified, or out-of-field teachers.
- Ensure that professional development activities are high quality, sustained, intensive, and classroom-focused.
- Improve and increase teacher's knowledge of the subjects they teach and enable teachers to become Highly Qualified
- Are an integral part of broad schoolwide and districtwide educational improvement plans
- Are high quality, sustained, intensive, and classroom-focused
- Are not 1-day or short-term workshops or conferences
- Advance teacher understanding of effective instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research
- Full NCLB definition of high quality professional development
Use of Funds
Funds received under this subpart shall be used to supplement, but not supplant, non-Federal funds that would otherwise be used for activities authorized under this subpart.
Allowable Expenditures of Title II, Part A Funds
- Develop and implement strategies to recruit, hire, and retain high quality teachers and principals
- Provide professional learning opportunities that improve the knowledge and skills of teachers, principals, and paraprofessionals
- Administer rigorous State tests required of new and current teachers
- Hire highly qualified teachers to reduce class size
- Provide additional professional learning opportunities to schools with Priority Improvement or Turnaround plan type assignments
- Teacher advancement initiatives that emphasize multiple career paths and pay differentiation
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