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Seal of Biliteracy For High School Diplomas
A seal of biliteracy is a credential given by a Colorado school or district recognizing students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation. A seal of biliteracy encourages students to pursue biliteracy skills that are attractive to future employers and college admissions office. The following is guidance provided by the Senate Bill 17-123 to guide districts through implementing the pathway of the seal of biliteracy for high school diplomas.
- Senate Bill 17-123
- CDE Minimum Requirements: Seal of Biliteracy for High School Diplomas (PDF)
- Approved Criteria for Assessments (PDF) is available to Districts and Schools that do not have Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate Exams.
- Approved Criteria for Body of Evidence (PDF) is available to Districts and Schools that do not have Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate or Exams.
- Approved World Language Assessments (Google Doc Link)
Application to Post District Criteria for the Colorado Seal of Biliteracy For High School Diplomas
Districts that would like CDE to review their award criteria for the Colorado Seal of Biliteracy for High School Diplomas in any of their High Schools and/or want their district listed on the CDE Seal of Biliteracy website must complete this application. In order to update and compile all of the Seal of Biliteracy data in one location, districts already implementing the Colorado Seal of Biliteracy and listed on this website are also asked to complete the digital application.
Application to Post District Criteria for the Colorado Seal of Biliteracy For High School Diplomas
Districts and Schools Implementing the Seal of Biliteracy for High School Diplomas
Colorado districts and schools currently recognizing students' skills in biliteracy by meeting Colorado Department of Education Seal of Biliteracy for High School Diplomas Minimum Requirements. To be added to this recognition list, please contact the Seal of Biliteracy Coordinator, Nelson Molina.
Districts and Schools Implementing the Seal of Biliteracy for High School Diplomas
- Academy District 20
- Adams 12 Five Star Schools
- Adams County 14 School District
- Archdiocese of Denver
- Arrupe Jesuit High School
- Astravo Online Academy
- Aurora Public Schools
- Bayfield 10 JT-R School District
- Bishop Machebeuf High School
- Boulder Valley RE-2 School District
- Buena Vista School District R-31
- Burlington School District
- Burlington School District RE-6J
- Charter School Institute
- Clear Creek School District Re-1
- Cherokee Trail High School
- Cherry Creek School District 5
- Cheyenne Mountain School District 12
- Colorado Academy - ACIS Accredited Independent School
- Colorado Early Colleges - All campuses
- Colorado Rocky Mountain School
- Colorado Springs School District 11
- Colorado Charter School Institute
- Colorado Virtual Academy
- Delta County School District 50J
- Denver Catholic Schools/Archdiocese of Denver
- Denver Christian School
- Denver County 1 School District
- Douglas County School District RE-1
- DSST Byers
- East Grand School District 2
- Eagle County Schools
- El Paso County School District 8
- Ellicott School District 22
- Englewood Schools
- Estes Park School District R-3
- Del Norte High School
- Denver Christian School
- District 49
- Fort Morgan School district
- Greeley Evans School District 6
- Gunnison Watershed School District
- Harrison School District Two
- Jefferson County School District R-1
- Kent Denver School
- Lake County R-1 School District
- Littleton Public Schools
- Lewis-Palmer School District
- Manitou Springs School District
- Mapleton Public Schools
- Mesa County School District 51
- Moffat County School District RE: No 1
- Montrose County School District RE-1J
- Monument Charter Academy High School (District 38)
- Mullen High School
- North Park R-1
- Paris
- Pinnacle Charter High School
- Poudre School District R-1
- PS1 Charter School
- Regis Jesuit High School - Private
- Resurrection Christian School
- Rio Grande County School District
- Sargent School District RE-33J
- School District 27J
- Sheridan School District 2
- South Routt School District RE-3
- St. Mary's Academy
- St. Vrain Valley School District
- Steamboat Springs School District RE-2
- Summit School District
- Telluride R-1
- Thompson School District
- Upper Rio Grande
- Vail Christian High School
- Vail Mountain School
- Vail Mountain School (Eagle County)
- Victory Preparatory Academy High School - Colorado Charter School Institute
- Watershed School - Boulder
- Weld RE-4 Schools
- Westminster Public Schools
- Windsor Charter Academy (Weld Re-4 authorizer)
- 27J Schools
Seal of Biliteracy for High School Diplomas Certificate Templates
For technical assistance, please email Nelson Molina, ELD Specialist & Seal of Biliteracy HS Diploma Coordinator at
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