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Colorado Charter Schools Program (CCSP)

The Colorado Department of Education was awarded $55 million to administer annual sub-grant competitions from 2018 through 2023 (with a No Cost Extension for 2023-2024) . Through the Schools of Choice Unit, CCSP grant funds are awarded to eligible charter schools across the state. In addition to providing up to 4-years of startup funding for these new, expanding, and replicating high-quality charter schools, sub-grantees participate in well thought-out training and technical assistance events throughout the duration of the grant period.         

Charter School Program Transition Update

Colorado Charter Schools Program Details:

Grant Application & Renewal Processes

Sub-grant Reports & Forms

Technical Assistance


An existing or prospective charter school may be eligible if they demonstrate they

1) Meet the federal definitions of a "charter school" and "developer"

2) Have been approved by a charter school authorizer (LEA), qualifying as one of the following:

a. New Charter School

b. Replication of a High Quality Charter School

c. Expansion of a High Quality Charter School

Eligible Expenses

CCSP grants may be awarded for reasonable, one-off expenses associated with planning, design, and implementation of a new school or significant expansion project in the form of a 3-year grant for charter schools applying in the year before the launch of a new school or significant-expansion project, or in the form of a 2-year grant for those applying the year of a project launch.  Eligible expenses include, but are not limited to:

  • Planning period hiring and compensation
  • Supplies, training, equipment (including technology) and educational materials
  • Researched based professional development costs
  • One time start up costs associated with providing transportation to students to and from school
  • Necessary minor facilities repair (not including construction)

CDE's Schools of Choice office administers the Colorado Charter Schools Program through a federal Charter School Program [Title V, Part B of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) (P.L. 107-110)] grant for the stateThe USDOE awarded CDE this grant in 2018.

Other Resources

CDE provides services for grant trainings and grant documents to those in need of translation/interpretation in Spanish.  To request translation services, please reach out to the School of Choice office via email at solicitar servicios de traducción en español de los documentos en esta página, comuníquese con la oficina de School of Choice por correo electrónico a

Other state and federal grant opportunities